Judging Criteria😱

225 20 7

Please PM the score sheet to Luna_Vaethenee . If you are unable to do so (e.g. its too long) please PM me about it, we will work it out, thank you.

SCORING SHEET (not for poetry)

Title: /5
How unique and captive is the title? Is it relevant to the story?

Cover: /5
Does it reflect the story well? Is it aesthetic?

Summary: /5
Does it give the readers enough to know what the story is about? Does it make you want to read more? Is it too long/short?

Plot: /20
Does the storyline reflect the genre? Does the story have twists and turns? Is the general idea of the story clear? Is there a proper endgoal or is the story inconsistent and pointless?

Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling: /15
Do you have difficulty reading the sentences? Is there uneeded punctuation? Do the words make sense? Is the vocab used properly?

Main Character Development: /10
Does the character continually build up? Is the identity of the character revealed more and more? Does his characteristics make a difference in the story?

Side Character Development: /10
Are the side characters forgotten or inconsistent? Are there too many characters introduced in one chapter? Do they give valuable input to the story? Do they have some focus shed on them that helps the plot?

Fluency: /10
Is the story easy to read? Does it have a good flow? Is there consistency or abrupt endings and beginnings?

Originality: /10
Is it a cliche? Does it seem unique and different?

Interest: /10
Would you continue reading the book? Was it a good read? Was it something you thoroughly enjoyed?

Total: /100

Review: Justify why the above scores were given.


Title: /5
Is it relevant to the poem?

Cover: /5
Does it reflect the tone and mood of the poem well?

Summary: /5
Does it entail the general gist of the poem? Does it give readers enough to captivate them?

Use of Techniques: /15
Is there use of diction/rhyme/imagery etc.? Does it help accentuate the poem?

Mood/Tone: /10
Does the poem set a strong overall mood? Is there a proper setting? Or is it unclear?

Vocabulary: /10
Do the words used help make the poem better? Are they fitting? Do they help create an atmosphere?

End Message: /20
Does the poem cause readers to think and reflect about it? Does it evoke something in the readers?

Interest: /10

Total: /80

Once again, do remember to stick to the deadline of 24th January 2019. If you are able to send it in earlier that would be fantastic, thank you!


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