Poetry Results! 🎉

66 11 7

Here it is...

The winners of the poetry genre for the Typers Awards.

First place goes to...

Drowning Stars by Stargaryenn

Drowning Stars by Stargaryenn

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Here's your score sheet :

Summary :4/5
Use of techniques :14/15
Vocabulary :6/10
End message :19/20

In second place is...

Vargary by Macia_27

Here's your score sheet :

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Here's your score sheet :

Cover :4/5
Summary :5/5
Use of techniques : 14/15
Mood/Tone: 8/10
Vocabulary :7/10
End message :19/20
Total: 70/100

And now in third place is...

Fallen by Sarakel_14

Here's your score sheet :

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Here's your score sheet :

Summary :3/5
Use of techniques :14/15
Vocabulary :10/10
End message :17/20

Congratulations to all winners! To the rest, there's always next time!

Luna_Vaethenee will DM the winners about the prizes.

Ps: I'll update Fan Fiction results next time.

Lots of love😍

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