Fan Fiction Results! 🎉

72 9 8

This is it...

The winners of the Fan Fiction genre of The Typers Awards.

First place goes to...

Silver Darkness by Witto150

Silver Darkness by Witto150

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Here's your score sheet :

Title :5/5
Main character development :9/10
Side character development :8/10
Fluency :8/10
Originality :9/10
Review : Not gonna lie; I was pretty goddamn interested to read this one when I first saw it in my list. I have no idea why, seeing as I am not a huge Sonic fan, but something about the premise seemed interesting and I could immediately tell you put a lot of care into the world you created. The book certainly delivers on my expectations. Huge thank you for including an explanation on some of the vocabulary used for some of us noobs (like me) to the Sonic universe.

In second place is...

Secret of the Forest by floranocturna

Secret of the Forest by floranocturna

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Here's your score sheet :

Summary: 5/5
Main character development :8/10
Side character development :8/10
Fluency :10/10
Originality :8/10
Total :87/100
Review : Not related to the story, but I absolutely loved reading about your purpose of writing this story. I've always been fascinated to understand the intentions behind works being written, Andi wish more authors would divulge in that sort of thing.
Onto the actual story, YOIR DESCRIPTION IS AMAZING AND IT FEELS JUST LIKE THE ACTUAL BOOK BUT WITH YOUR OWN TWIST ON IT SO THAT'S UTTERLY AMAZING THANK YOU. You said your worked a long time with your prologue, and trust me, it shows. Use this sort of imagery in your own original work and you could have a fantastic career being built up here. Just be careful not to let it overtake your writing and slow down the plot, as sometimes I did feel like too much was dedicated to the beautiful writing as opposed to very much of anything happening in a few chapters.

And now in third place...

Twisted Death by TheBiologist13

Twisted Death by TheBiologist13

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Here's your score sheet:

Main character development :8/10
Side character development :8/10
Fluency :10/10
Review : Hi there! I believe we're quite familiar with one another. Not much for me to add since the last time I've reviewed this book except I love your dedication to making such an accurate and mystical portrayal of a relatively obscure series that you have a lot of passion in. It still astounds me to this day, and one of these days, I want to be able to fully read this whole thing. Keep it up!

Congratulations to all winners! To the rest, there's always next time!

Luna_Vaethenee will DM the winners about the prizes

Ps: I'll update Action/Adventure next time

Lots of love😍

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