Action/Adventure Results! 🎉

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Here it is...

The winners of the action/adventure genre of The Typers Awards.

First place goes to...

Carlton by TheEuphoricWriter

Carlton by TheEuphoricWriter

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Here's your score sheet :

Here's your score sheet :

Title :5/5
Main character development :10/10
Side character development :10/10
Fluency :8/10
Originality :9/10
Total:93 /100
Review: Let me start with geezers! This book really caught my eye when I first saw the cover. It made me think about the King Arthur days. I liked the summary and plot, how you explain things in a manner where we can clearly imagine the scenery. Not many authors can do that so good job.

In second place is...

Down to Day by kyromaniak

Here's your score sheet :

Title :5/5
Main character development :9/10
Side character development :9/10
Fluency :8/10
Originality :8/10
Review : When I first saw the cover of the book, I had the feeling it was going to be about a strong female lead. That's good, but I think you can make your cover more... unique? It looks OK, but too simple. I like how you portray the female lead as a strong knight. Most books(not only on wattpad), make the male lead strong and handsome while the female lead is weak and soft. I'm totally against that so I'm glad when I read your story! A little touch up here and there should be enough to make this book amazing!

And now in third place...

Last Of London by demidork25

Here's your score sheet :

Title :4/5
Main character development :9/10
Side character development :7/10
Fluency :8/10
Originality :7/10
Review : First of all, I like the general idea of your book. It's intriguing, but I gave originality low marks because I've seen one or two movies that have the similar idea (not the exact idea but similar). As of the cover, try making a more mysterious and old-fashioned cover. You know, cause this book is kind of adventurous? I think your cover is too simple. A few grammatical errors here and there, but they're OK.

Congratulations to all winners! To the rest, there's always next time!

Luna_Vaethenee will DM all the winners about the prizes.

Ps: I'll update Fantasy results next time

Lots of love😍

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