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Hello Everyone! This page is just to announce the books which we are affiliated with! If you are looking for more awards or competitions to participate in, you have come to the right place! Do check them out as they are super cool and have done awesome work!

majesticawards This account is run by a group of very talented people who host contests, awards and so on! Furthermore, they are hiring and jobs of various scopes are up for grabs! From being a designer to hosting your very own contest! If you are interested check them out and contact them right away :)

SimpleInc Although they are currently under renovation, they are punctual in their responses, hence, showing their dedication to the company. Do look out for them once they come out for hiding because they have many interesting books planned out! If you are interested in taking up a position do go to their page now because they are hiring!

StarlightCommunity With an open award and a graphic shop, this company is definetly one to check out now! All those interested in entering your book in an award do go to their page before the slots get filled up! For the others, they have an amazing graphic shop for you so don't worry. A place for everyone, they are a must to follow!

concinnitycircle A company which works with professionalism and dilligence, they are definetly a page you would want to check out! They currently have an open award with many different genres. So what are you waiting for? Head on there and sign up now :) They also have a book club!!

The Typers' Awards  [Closed]Where stories live. Discover now