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I was afraid of turning to him somehow, but I did anyway I slowly turn to him and stare at him simply.

First thing his clothing is like woah, black oversized shirt with white trousers and black shoe, it's normal this days but with him it looks epic..and the earrings on...

"Ace" Reeve say and I close my eyes knowing Clearly what he's about to do. "Long time no see"

"Let's keep it that way shall we" Ace came closer and held my hand, "And let you keep away from what's mine"

His stare at him with snare, I eee through his eyes searching for meaning but nothing was found, no emotion.

I heared Reeve laugh and I turn to him shaking my head no at him, but he ignored it, he ignored me and continued laughing. Slowly after getting done with his fake laughter he also held my other hand.

"You're not meaning her are u?" He ask unbelievably, "you don't deserve her Ace, he'll take her just like he did with the other one. Don't burn another innocent with the thing you need or feel"

I didn't take a minute with raising my hand and sleeping him hard.

"You. Better. Shut. The. Fuck. Up" I say slowly, I don't know how I got mad in a second but I did anyway.

He smirk at me, while u glare with snare. Ace is quite, he didn't say a word or do a thing when I pull him to the apartment, I feel him staring at me but I just move until he held me.

"Ace don't let his words get into you, please." I start "He was just trying to make u mad and nth else, an-" I was stopped when he pulled me to him and peek my lips fast and hug me tight grooming my hair.

"I am not leaving you, not even if you want to" he say

"Is it a promise?" I smile

"I promise" the beating of his heart seemed so special, as I just put my ers to his chest hugging him back.

All of us were getting ready to go the party for Christmas night so the house was all trashed, it was only Aaron and Ace who sat Luke nothing is happening while the other of us are rushing here and there to find the clothes or shoe maybe make up or Claire, and even a bag.

Then after half hour or maybe even more we are all gathered at the door ready to exchange gifts.

Everyone has special person to give a gift first to and that's what everyone was doing. They were to the special person giving gifts they bought. Me as usual I went first to
Yeah the one you're guessing, yep my best friend since childhood and the person who always stood with me no matter what.


I gave him the watch I bought him from the first store we got into, he smiled to me knowing I knew he liked it. He has always liked the watches I bought him, even though this one is just the second.

After a hug and kiss on the forehead I went to Ace who is smiling while seeing Aaron and I from afar. I took out the necklace box and shyly give it to him smiling.

"Look someone is shy" he say taking the box and flipping it.

"Am not shy you beast," I defend "it's just-"

Then I shutted up when he gasp like gasp. I stare at him wondering if he liked it or not but no sign no emotion a rock.

"Ace you don't like it?!" I ask "Just give to me and I will send it back, I knew you wouldn't like it  anyway"

"Shut it feisty," he say "it's beautiful"

"Yeah I know I'll se-" I see him "What?!" I ask confused.

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