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"Sir. We're here."

Glancing up from the iPad, I acknowledged Tristan's statement with a nod. Currently my car was parked a few feet away from the back door of one of my first clubs in the city. I was eighteen when I built it from the ground up with funding from my father. Remodeling was done a few months ago and was recently reopened. From the full car park and the long lines, I was pleased with the patronage but someone under my employ decided to be a dick.
Pulling up the financial reports given to me before the remodel and the investigation done, I found the idiot who thought stealing from me was a wise choice.

Tristan was already outside my door, when I gave him a nod to open it. Stepping out I handed him the iPad and my phone before I fixed my suit. Looking around the back of the club, I was pleased by the upgrades. Better lighting, hidden security cameras, employee parking made secure and dumpster closer to the club.
Four of my guards took their positions, in front and behind me as we approached the club. The sound of a car engine had us looking to our right. A red BMW X1 pulled up and parked at the entrance of the back door. When the driver stepped out I noticed him right away. He was employed as security for the top floor. When he saw me, his eyes widen in shock.
"Good night Mr. Delacourde," He greeted.

"Why are you out here? Are you moonlighting as a valet now?" I asked keeping my tone steady.

"Orders from Mr. Humphreys and Mr. Caine, sir," he answered quickly.

I raised my eyebrow for him to continue. I'm not one for beating around the bush nor exude any sort of emotion to anyone. I expect you to say what you have to say then both of us can be in our way. Plain statements like his explaining with little detail was annoying. Humphrey's and Caine were my brother's friends not their boss.

"Uh. They wanted the assurance of their female companion's safety, sir," he continued. I nodded and motioned for my guards to proceed.

"Let's get this over with. We have three more stops before we call it a night," I said aloud.

I was so focused on getting to my office that I was oblivious to our surroundings. I guess it was the same for my guys till we heard a feminine curse.

"Shit. I'm sorry, ma'am." Gio my first guard exclaimed reaching down to help the woman. His large frame was blocking her from me but the sound of her voice had me curious.

"No problem. We both were speeding in a narrow lane. Phone. Where is it?" She said silencing Gio's apologizes. Gio was a man who prided himself of being respectful to all women even if they were grade A bitches. So to maybe hurt this woman in any way he was probably feeling guilty.

"Here it is," Hanes my other guard said picking up a phone from his side. From a glimpse I saw the phone was on and a present call was running.

"Is she alright?" I asked stepping forward. Gio and Hanes moved aside to let me through.

"I'm fine. I just wanted to... " she began to say ending the call before looking up. When she did, her words became non existent, I had to say my breathing was the same also.

She was gorgeous. What caught me were her dark eyes. They were almond shaped and protected by thick lashes, that probably brushed against her cheek when closed. Her chocolate brown skin was flawless, it had me uncharacteristically wanting to reach out and touch her. Usually I kept my emotions or gestures to myself. Being known for being cold and unfeeling defined me.
Unconsciously, I stepped towards her but I caught myself. I guess it was the same for her to act out of character when I saw her hand reached towards me then she stopped.

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