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Delacourde Castle, France

Stephen always loved his fiance's family home. The place was filled with history and had a little bit of something left by generations past. Standing at the library's balcony which looked over the family wing's garden and fountain, he allowed his mind to wander off. His family has been here a day and just like his first time, they fell in love with the castle. Nestled miles away from Paris, hidden by a vast forest in which the family also owned, the castle was beautiful in its own right. The 15th Century home stood grandly on 1000 acres of privately owned land, fifty specialty rooms with its own bathroom suite, four kitchens, three swimming pools, personal day rooms for the lady of the castle and private living and entertainment quarters for each wing. The staff number was large all led by a loyal house manager and the head of security. A lake was built on the property, along with a large house for the soldiers and helpers under the seal. Recently added was a private clinic upon Raizon's instructions after his father's death, a staff was hired for the clinic but it was known that Aikido was the boss. The landscape of the castle was beautiful, lush greenery dotted with flowers, favorites of the past ladies of the castle were kept in bloom and lovingly tended to by dedicated gardeners. 

One thing Stephen learned of the family was the males' love for their partners. In the halls, painted portraits of couples were hung in golden frames on the walls, one can see the love they shared, even the portraits with their children. Though Gianni wasn't of true blood, his portrait was on the wall, placed with honor next to Raizon's. When he was shown the portrait, Stephen saw how much his Gianni missed and loved Renith Delacourde. The man loved another man's child as his own, no matter how vile his biological father was.

"His blessing in disguise. That's what he always called me," Gianni told him with a sad smile.

The halls were filled with stories to be told and of past patriarchs who contributed to the riches, the Delacourdes owned. Gianni gave Stephen's family a tour of the castle, sharing with them tidbits of the family and kept everything pleasant. His sisters Scarlet and Sonrie gushed over the personalized day rooms each lady of the castle had. They both loved Daria Delacourde, Renith's mother, day room. It overlooked the family garden in which both Gianni and Raizon played in when they were younger under her watchful eye. The colors were a mixture of daisy yellow and cocoa brown filled with french-inspired furniture, gifts from her loving husband. In the room were photos of her and her husband. Her three children and her grandchildren. The room was free to be used by anyone but one must promise to keep it clean. 
His family met Giselle and Dana. They were surprised by the knowledge of Dana being Gianni's sister. Gianni told them of their connection in which they had no qualms about. To Stephen, it was a stepping stone to what he had t reveal to them, even if the information of Dana's connection to them was cleaned up.

"Hiding from everyone?"

The amused yet concerned voice of Gianni filtered through his thoughts before his body thrummed with excitement by his anticipated touch. A sigh of content and relief escaped Stephen's lips upon feeling G's arm across his shoulders. "Not really hiding. Planning in silence is more of a good description. How is Ray?" Stephen asked leaning more into his embrace. Gianni gave his shoulder a light squeeze before answering.

"The surgery went well, just as Aikido predicted. He will be airlifted back to the castle tonight. Ari and the others will be here tomorrow afternoon. It will be a good time to have that talk. Over an immediate family dinner."

Shaking his head in amusement, Stephen found himself worrying about nothing. Why did he think, he was doing this alone? His best friends are all going to be there for him, the same way he has been for them. "Thanks, baby," he said softly. Placing his lips against the messy blonde hair he loved, Gianni placed a soft kiss on his partner's head before wrapping his arms around his body. 

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