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Feeling her hand go limp in mine, I momentarily panicked then laughed at my frightened mind when I realized she simply fell asleep. While she was in the coma, I woke at all hours during my nights with her to check her pulse.

I've never been so scared in my life and I've witnessed my first execution at 7. It was my father's version of 'take your kid to work' day.
Placing her hand on the soft blanket, I took in her sleeping form. Her hair was now spread around her head like a halo, her eyes were swollen from crying and her lips were dry from her sobbing. Reaching out, I followed the trail my fingertips took upon themselves as they followed the contours of her face then her bare shoulders. I couldn't resist touching her. To me she was mesmerizing.

"I'm scared, Kitten. Scared of how you make me feel and scared by allowing you into my life," I said to myself. That's if she will want to start something with me.
Standing to leave the room, I found myself frozen unable to leave her side. "She's going to wake up, Ray. Don't worry, she will." I reassured myself.
What the hell is going on with me? I was seconds away in crawling into bed with her and take a morning nap which will be extremely out of character for me. I need to talk to someone about these changes this one woman has done to me but first, I had to put things in place.
When she regains her strength, she will fight to go back to her restaurant, to get back to living.
I don't blame her. I had the same drive, I can be shot, stabbed just whatever but there's always work to be done. Looking at her one last time, I finally noticed the glittering gold band on her wrist. She hasn't inquired about it but I expect her to. It still looked great on her. Everyone will know she's mine, no matter what.

Quickly I placed a kiss on her cheek and left her suite. Hands tucked into my pockets, I made my way down the hallway thinking of my appointments for the day, reshuffling them and making mental notes in order to stay out of the city for the weekend. Maybe stay in the country altogether. Now that she's awake, I'm a bit apprehensive in leaving her. Yes, she will be here and be protected better than the First Lady but, the worry will still be there.

"Damn woman turned me into a sap," I muttered.

Reaching the staircase, I was stopped by the one person I expected to be lurking around her side of the house.

Her side. There I go again giving her more ownership of things in my world.

"Thread lightly, Humphrey," I said walking by him.

"Was all that real? The whole caring and attentive Mafia King because that's a hell of a contradiction," he said behind me. The sneer I heard in his statement and the bit of annoyance raised the level of my irritation. I hated my actions to be questioned even if it's uncommon for someone to witness.

"You better watch your tone kid. Friend or not to my brother and Arianna, I will fuck you up. What's your deal anyway?" I asked making my way back to my office.

"My deal is, of all the guys she can moon over, she chose you," he said a bit too loud for my liking. Rolling my shoulders with the tension forming there, I stalked into my domain to find Stephen in the one spot I can now see Arianna in.

On the chaise lounge.

"You good?" I asked Stephen after seeing the wince of pain on his face.

"Yeah. Can I borrow one of Ari's nurses?" He asked moving his injured knee slightly.

"Yeah sure," I answered distractedly while taking my seat behind my desk. "So you're pissed because she asked you to find me?"

"She told you about that?"

He sounded surprised.

"Yes. Before she fell asleep. Judging by your reaction with my attention to Arianna, I take it that you don't like it at all," I said while replying to some emails. Having to run an empire on both sides of the law took a lot of time and patience, so to accept help from others, the trust will be a major thing for me. Gianni offered his help but I know just how consuming both worlds are.

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