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Through the beautiful throes of my sleep, I can feel his large hands sliding across my body before he gently turned me onto my back.

"Hi baby," I mumbled while blindly moving my hand over his body.
He didn't respond but his soft kisses on my neck and shoulder confirmed that he heard me. Raizon was now lying on top of me with his arms wrapped tightly around me and his face buried in my neck. I frowned when I felt his tense back muscles. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, I turned to the spot he once slept to see missing pillows, messed up sheets and his gun beside us.


"Bad dream," was all he said. My body relaxed as I read between the lines. Wanting him to relax, I allowed him to hold me as long as he liked, running my fingers through his hair and placed random kisses on his head. It didn't take long for him to relax. "Monroe killed his wife last night. Lionel and an old friend of Gio's confirmed it. The media will have it as suicide. Shadow and Night Angel are awaiting your orders," he relayed softly.

"The call you took before I fell asleep," I said as I held him tighter.


A deep sigh escaped me about the situation at hand, we had to move things up a bit, now. On the ride home last night we spoke of what next to do and players to be involved. 
I found myself to be as strategic and devious as him, I couldn't forget the pride in his eyes when we spoke. Earlier in the yesterday after lunch,  we went our separate ways. My package was awaiting me in one of the many safe houses Raizon had around the country. My heart ached for the woman yet it filled with anger for what Monroe did to her. Miss Elizabeth Swanson, hopefully, the last assistant to be working for that monster, was a timid thing. She didn't speak throughout her extraction, she just let it happened, no fights, no arguments just one statement.
"If it's my time to disappear, please do it quickly."

That man broke her.

Hanes was part of the extraction team, he was the one who delivered the report. Miss Swanson grew attached to him when she realized she was in safe hands. I took note of her behavior between other men and Hanes, she saw him as her shield. When she saw me, the woman literally broke down in my arms. At that moment, I was thankful that I decided to take her away from there.

"Gio's friend will be stateside soon. I sent word of a meeting at the base for 1 pm," Ray said breaking the silence.

"We should be finished by then with our morning schedules. I will meet you at the law firm for ten," I relayed to him.

His lips brushed against my bare skin, sending goosebumps down my chest. His manhood was now extremely hard and branding my thigh, just as his hands slid along my bare body.

"I'm still in disbelief that you're mine," he said against my ear. His fingers became tangled in mine, while he lifted his body slightly off mine.


"Because you're way too perfect for me," he answered.

"I think it's the other way around."

I knew he was still new to the whole feelings and relationship aspect of life which makes me proud when he explains to me his insecurities about it all.


His groan was low and reverent. He shifted slightly, the tip of his cock was at my now wet entrance. He didn't move, he kept my gaze with a sense of wonder in his eyes.
This was different. The morning felt different, something shifted between us and it was good. I couldn't put my finger on it but its something that probably just bond us together even stronger.
Slowly I felt him enter my slick heat, our breathing became harsh, breaking the morning silence.  A low moan escaped me when the electrifying tingles pooled from my heat all the way to my fast beating heart. A sharp gasp left me when I felt him deep in me, I was filled wonderfully by him. A shuddering breath left his lips before he lowered his lips to mine.

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