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Everything that I need from my office was safely in the messenger bag slung across my shoulder, along with Arianna's device in her own bag.
Entering the kitchen, Dion was already there dressed and ready to go.
"I'm sorry my friend, " I said to him.

"No need. I've been with your father for years to know sleep is a luxury. You keep Miss Arianna safe. I'll head to the apartment now, have her call me, " he replied.
Handing him the keys to Angela's and the security code Arianna wrote for him, I gave him a handshake of goodbye and left the kitchen. The Chopper was ready to go, Gio and Hanes flanked my sides as I ran to it. The guards I left with Arianna were surveying the area while staying close to her. Hopping up to the seat beside her, I found her quiet, face expressionless and headphones on. The guys came in next, giving the pilot the green to go.

Up in the air, I reached into my bag and got the gun I secured for her when I first saw her that night. I was confused at first as to why I did that but the past week or two clarified my actions. She was meant for me all along. Taking her hand in mine, I placed three clips in her hand and a 9MM Sig Saur.

"If we are to separate and under fire, I want to be sure you're protected. Not just by the guys but by yourself, " I told her over the headphones. She turned to me and I knew she saw the haunted look in my eyes, the same I saw in hers. The thought of being separated was daunting but this is the life I lived. If she wishes to be out of it, I will let her go. I love her too much to keep her somewhere she's uncomfortable.

"How far is the house from the hospital?" she asked inserting a clip into the gun and flicking the safety on. Why is it a turn on when there's a gun in her hand?

Glancing at the guys, I saw the admiration and pride they had on their faces when she tested the weight of the gun in her both hands then slipped it in the back of her jeans. Her long cardigan hid it perfectly.

"Eight blocks, " I answered.

"What happened?"

Gio relayed everything to her in full description with her asking a few questions and me, watching her closely. Maybe I was stupidly waiting for her to freak out but gradually that expectation waned when she took in everything.

"Thank you," she said after it all, reaching for my hand. I quickly tightened my fingers around hers and stayed in the silence of the cabin as we flew over the city.

News channels will be bombarding the bomb sites and hospitals the victims were taken to. My business line will be ringing off the hook, an official statement will have to be made but first, the victims.
I need to visit them especially Michael. Eyeing Arianna, I can tell she was hiding all her emotions from me. Is she afraid to do so with me knowing their history?
Squeezing her hand gained me her attention, "It's okay."

With those words out in the open, we all watched on as she silently broke down. Those tear-filled eyes were locked on mine, I didn't know what to do.

"Is it bad of me with wanting to kill Monroe myself?" she cried.

What should be serious, was fucking cute and funny as hell. Tears flowing down her cheeks, the sobs in her voice as she asked that question and the way she looked at me with those curious eyes was just too cute. The guys were chuckling at her state and shook their heads no in response.

"No baby. It isn't. If he was a normal schmuck who was doing these attacks it would have been a done deal. But. He's a fucking bloodsucking politician in the spotlight. He must be dealt with differently. Now. Please don't ask that question again, looking so cute because I was minutes away from giving these guys a show," I said kissing her wet lips and drying her tears.

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