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Pride and love flowed through me and filled every crease of the heart many dubbed cold over the years as I watch my fiance rub cocoa butter lotion on her beautiful skin. I noticed the shiner on her face in which she applied ointment to and bandages to the knick on her jaw. I should be furious of her injuries but I wasn't. She handled herself like a seasoned soldier and that alone made me beyond proud. Aikido told me of her leadership and judgment while I was unconscious, the way he spoke so reverently of her confirmed my observations. My men have found a new leader to place their lives on the line for. I pray they do the same for our future kids. 

"Oh. Babe. Did I tell you that your ex-assistant is vraiment fou," she said cheekily. I laughed as best as I can, amused by the way she interjected her newfound hold of my native language. 

"No, my love. You didn't tell me she was crazy. Do tell," I returned, trying my best to smother a yawn. I wasn't lucky because her cheerful expression changed to concern. Fates have truly given me my soul mate. How can one be so accurately intuned with my body and mind? To think I wanted to forget her, ignore her existence. Sometimes I foolishly think she will one day up and leave me for someone normal. Someone with a 9- job and no target on his back. All those worries and doubts fade when she looks at me and bless me with her bright smiles, eyes filled with an emotion I never thought I will receive outside my family nor would I be able to recognize it and return it to her. 

Arianna didn't answer right away. She gave me a soft smile, motioned for me to wait for a second and left the room with Vinny on her heels. My room never felt so lived in. It was actually cozy. I can still smell the scent of cocoa butter in the air, the room had soft lighting and the temperature was very cool. Gingerly, I situated myself better on the bed, careful of my injuries to avoid a dose of morphine to kill the pain. The tv was on but on one of her apps to watch live streaming of her favorite episodes. BONES was on, in which I found interesting and got sucked into the magic of it all.

Opening my eyes, confusion met me for a second. I fell asleep while watching tv and I think I was tucked in while I was out cold. Soft laughter escaped me when I saw just how high she tucked the covers around me, turning my head, I found my kitten sound asleep with her phone clutched tightly in her hand and mine in the other. Moving slowly once more, I dislodged the phones from her hands, placing a kiss on her lips and whispered those three words against them. I made a promise to myself when I was given a second chance at life that I will show and tell her how madly in love I am with her for the rest of our lives.

 Taking deep breaths as I moved out of the bed and reaching for the arm-braced crutch, I slowly made my way to the sitting area of my room with my phone in hand. By the time I was seated in a comfortable chair, I was winded. Frustration simmered through me, I hated to be laid up. It will take a few months may be less for me to get back in perfect fighting shape. Just thinking about the needed therapy made me itch. Looking back at the bed, I knew I had her support through it all. 
My stomach rumbled and a craving for her soup was there. Quickly I messaged Gio to bring up a fresh tray for me in which he replied instantly. Though he was a few years older than me, I considered him one of my closest friends. He was the one to predict my submission to the woman I now share my bed with. A laugh escaped me, amused by everything that has happened over the past few months. 

I'm getting married and am not in the least bit scared, I was anxious to have my name attached to hers and have my ring on her finger. I'm on my way to having my own family. My gaze turned to the decorative piece near the window. The antique table held pictures of my family, all were of get-togethers, charity dinners and so forth but it was one that stood out. A picture of my father, Gianni and I. Proof that I once had a reason to smile, our wide grins were a testament to the perfect day we had with no titles attached to us. A simple father and sons bonding time. Renith Delacourde always placed his family first, always had a wise word to bestow and that look of pure fatherly love and pride. 

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