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The words seem to jump out at him from the screen of his phone. The message came in a few minutes ago, the exact time it took for his world to turn upside down.  Fury erupted in Gianni, tuning in to the channel they used to keep connected, fear now accompanied that fury. Talon fucking did it. He got close in enough to take Raizon down. What of Ari? He quickly inquired about both his brother's and best friend's status. His knees went weak upon hearing his brother's injuries, he knew Ari will be beside herself right now. The protective side of him wanted to rush too her side but he had Dana to focus on. 

"G. Focus!" Stephen said beside him. Taking a deep breath, he squeezed his lover's hand in thanks before rushing to the cockpit. 

"Be on stand by. We need to get into the air quickly," Gianni said to the seasoned pilots under the seal.

"Sure thing. Incoming craft, requesting side by side landing," one pilot relayed. 


Leaving the men to their work, he rushed back to the cabin glancing Stephen's way who was busy behind his portable workstation. Gianni rushed down the stairs of the jet, gun in hand as he waited for the chopper to ascend. The private airfield was streaming with guards all fully armed. Vehicles parked in ways to access freely and used as barricades for the jet. His finger twitched on the trigger just thinking of his brother now lying in a hospital bed. He couldn't get the image of their father's blood-soaked body on the ground now his brother may succumb to a fate similar to his. A shuddered breath escaped Gianni. Now that Talon was able to get close to Raizon, he will be next. 

Talon was their older cousin. A greedy bastard. The bad apple of the Delacourde clan. The little fucker killed his own father just to gain his inheritance earlier than expected. When Renith Delacourde's passing was sent to all blood relatives he crudely made claims on the billion-dollar empire and the title of King of the Underworld. No one backed him up. It was in writing. The eldest son to Renith Delacourde was the rightful head of everything. Raizon filled major shoes. Not was he the head of the empire and Mafia but he was basically now the family's patriarch. He controlled the finances and well being of each Delacourde member. It was unanimous that Raizon was the best fit for that position. Talon disagreed. He was already on thin ice for his 'type' of dealings in the underworld, which made the family ostracize him. He went against the code. In more ways than one. 
For him to come after the brothers, business for the man may not be good. Their deaths will make him an awfully wealthy man. 

The winds around him picked up as the blades of the Chopper added to their lashing as they landed. At the gates 30 feet away from the aircraft, it was being opened with each men going on guard. 

Talon was coming.

"POWER UP!!" Gianni shouted before he ran to the chopper to help Dana down. In his peripheral, two G-Wagons came speeding through the gates, both parking haphazardly with its occupants rushing out and on alert.

"Mercer. Get in," He shouted at the bruised ex-soldier. Pain was evident on the man's face as he ran the little way to the jet. Gently he pushed Dana into the jet with Zane following close by. Becca, one of Arianna's teammates rushed past him, Shiloh was next, leaving Gianni to eye the remaining three females. The women were perched behind their van giving him the signal to go ahead. Looking over his shoulder one last time, he helped the flight attendant to close the door and made his way to sit beside Stephen. 

"He's close but we will make it," Stephen relayed. Running his hand through his hair, he quickly got out his phone and dialed Ari's number. The call was answered immediately. 

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