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The slight shift on the bed, the comforting warmth next to me then the soft kiss on my lips roused me from my sleep. A sleepy smile formed on my lips just as I felt his fingers lightly trace my cheek. "Morning kitten," he whispered kissing me softly once more.

"Morning baby," I murmured but kept my eyes closed. I was still tired and he probably sensed that. His kisses moved from my lips, across my jaw, on my neck and ended on my bare shoulder. I heard a pleading whine from Vinny, making both Raizon and I laugh lightly.

"She's all yours now, bud. You keep her safe while I'm downstairs," he said to the dog. Vinny's added weight to the bed was felt, along with Raizon's leaving. Opening my eyes slightly, I watched on as he stood before the windows facing the garden and stretched his sleepy muscles. It was still a bit dark out, maybe around 4:30 or 5 in the morning. His back had a large tattoo of the Delacourde crest and motto along with a family tree at the side of it. I took a long appreciative look of his half-naked state, his lounge pants were low on his hips, his muscular back was impressive but when he turned to me... damn.

Is he really mine?

His torso was equally muscular and naturally sculpted. I can literally count all six abdominals and trace that enticing V. Brown hair mussed from my fingers and sleep, olive green eyes looking at me adoringly and that smile surrounded by his low trimmed beard, had me feeling so damn lucky.

"Keep looking at me like that and you'll be rewarded for looking so fucking enticing in the morning," he commented while slowly caressing the bulge in his pants.

"Messy hair and bad breath is your take on enticing?" I rubbed my thighs together, trying my best to ease the throbbing of my clit by the lazy caress of his manhood. Does he know how sinful he was?

"Your messy hair is cute and your breath doesn't stink. That silk nightgown though upped your hot factor," he said with a playful grin.

"Wait until you see my pokemon pajama set. It will blow your mind," I returned, burrowing deeper into my blanket. His amused laugh left a smile on my face as he went to the bathroom. I guess I went back into a doze when I felt his kiss once more along with minty breath.

"See you downstairs for breakfast. I got training to do," he said against my cheek.

"Okay. Can I make you breakfast? I promise to let Chef Dion handle anything heavy," I asked hopefully.



I watched on as he gnawed on his bottom lip in thought then released a defeated sigh. "Only breakfast," he pressed.

"Yes baby," I returned kissing him before snuggling under the covers once more. "I have to learn to say no to you from now," he muttered and took his leave.

I went back to sleep for an hour or so and woke up feeling energized. Vinny was still being a bum and decided to roll up more in the blanket I flipped over him and give me a huff in thanks. Rolling my eyes at him, I quickly freshened up and got dressed then made my way down the hall. I was a ball of nerves, downstairs was my idol and he invited me into his kitchen to cook breakfast. Nearing the kitchen, I peeked my head in and spotted him doing preps for something.


"Ah! Miss Lincoln. Good morning." he greeted me jovially. My nerves calmed instantly. Chefs are territorial about their kitchens, I should know.

"Good morning, chef..."

"No. No. Dion to you. After all, you are the lady of the house," he said cutting me off.

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