Chapter 8 Excuse me?

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Chapter 8: Excuse Me?


"Yes? That's my name," he said with almost a mocking smile.

"Go away," I mumbled and began making my way back to the car. I didn't feel like partying. All the people were going to act like a bunch of snobs and/or idiots. Of course, adults were going to be there. No need to be the town's gossip.

The Evans' sisters are at a Crowell party?

I just shook away the thought as I waddled away.

"Wait up! Cassie, you can't leave. Come on!" Julian said, catching up with me.

"I don't care about this. Julian, I'm already pissed off so leave me alone," I snapped, looking at him directly in the eye.

"Well, you might as well be more pissed off because Lucas is infuriated. Something happened between you two," said Julian, indirectly referring to the bullying issue. "He claims he'll report the media about the face behind Bloody Mary."

Lucas could get reported for bullying too if he reported me. I stopped and thought for a second.

"Where's the proof?"

"Huh?" asked Julian confused.

"What proof does Lucas have that it was me not Bloody Mary herself?" I inquired.

Julian was quiet for a second before he piped up, "Piper and I. I'm sure your friend won't mind sharing your little secret if you decide to leave."

I snorted. "Piper wouldn't ever do that."

"Well, in that case, I'll be the sole witness," he said crossing his arms. "Oh and I still have to go through the deal we made. How can I show you family love when you won't even try to cooperate?"

"There's no such thing! So don't bother," I said sharply. My thoughts went back to the phone conversation with my mom.

"Oh come on. Stop being so difficult, darling. And it's really chilly out here. Let's go inside. You don't have to stay in any longer than an hour," he offered.

I ran a hand through my hair and ran through all the things that could potentially occur in that hour. I could probably just lay low or go hide in some corner.

Taking a deep breath, I stormed past Julian towards the front door.

"You're awfully rude and spontaneous." Julian was right next to me . . . again.

"Oh my gosh, really? I never noticed," I said sarcastically.

We made it to the large, metal front door of the mansion, and stood there. Julian was waiting for me to open the door while I was in a panic mode. I was never a fearful person but being this close to the Crowells scared me.

"What are we waiting for?" Julian asked behind me.

"Right now, the ground to split or maybe an earthquake to happen," I replied honestly.

His hand reached around, pushed the door, and then pushed me in. I stumbled a couple of steps. My head went down before anyone could have seen my face.

Quickly, I walked straight and looked to the sides.

No one had really noticed me. The adults, teenagers, and even younger children were all engrossed in their little conversations. I looked around slowly for Piper and Cate but had no luck locating them.

"Cassie, wait for me," Julian called behind me. What. An. Idiot.

He couldn't leave me alone like I asked.

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