Chapter 33 Holy Shit! What's On My Pajamas?

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Dedicated to candybaby093 for guessing right (not all but at least the first part of the prank, first!) Awesome job!


Chapter 33: Holy Shit! What's On My Pajamas?

It was truth universally told that girls in need of a revenge were going to get it.

Okay, maybe it wasn't universally told, but to me, it was. Anyways, my group had to do all our set up before midnight. The girls and I put our supplies behind the boys' tent. Then, we proceeded to take the necessary material and sneak in.

The first thing we noticed inside the tent were snores...loud snores. Some of the guys reminded me of pigs. All of us girls exchanged disgusted looks and slowly proceeded.

I grabbed my glue bottle and twisted the top slightly. It was one of those big Elmer's glue bottles with the little top that had a small hole to squeeze out the liquid glue. Instead of glue, the girls and I had put red paint in there.

Slowly, all of us proceeded to do the wrong thing. We put small drops of red paint underneath the boys' waists--on their clothing--and some drops on their sleeping bags. Most of them wore boxers (gross), though Julian, Lucas, and one other kid wore pajamas. Shuddering, I finished very quickly. I had a slight problem, though, some of the paint got on my hand. Oh well.

Then, it was turn for the extensions. This took longer than expected. We tightly attached the fake hair to the guys's heads. I had taken Lucas who was not the best of the sleepers. He grabbed at my hand tying the hair plenty of times. I got away just in time before he could have completely taken my arm.

Mother Nature would have literally been caught red handed.

I checked my watch in time to see that we had nine minutes left. I passed on the message to the rest of my team who quickly finished what they were doing.

We then went outside the tent and set up the cam recorder at the edge. Hey, it was necessary to catch everything on camera. The girls set up their cell phones outside all around the tent. The phones had the flashlight app on. It was going to help make shadows for my munchkins--or my team. They were going to guard all around the tent, so none of the guys could escape. Behind me, one girl sat with a large camera. She was going to help make different effects. The camera was supposed to go off snapping three pictures at my every laugh creating lightening. One of the phones had the thunder sounds that the same girl was also going to control.

My cell phone sat near the tent, and I turned its volume to the loudest. I had recorded leaves rustling and other natural sounds on it. It was going to help down my voice. We couldn't have anyone recognizing my voice--that would just be horrible.

Once we started hearing some whispers inside the tent, I checked someone's cell phone to see that it was midnight. With a cane in my hand, I walked up to the opening of the men's tent.

"Dude, what the-" some kid stopped mid-sentence when he took in my appearance. I suppose a powdery, white face, red contact lens in the eyes, and a huge costume full of leaves was surprising. Especially at midnight. In the middle of a forest. On a camping trip.

Most of the guys were awake, looking confused at the extra hair on their heads. I remained outside the tent. No need to go inside and get attacked by anybody.

Never trust men.

"Who are you?" It was only because of his accent I realized it was Julian. He sat towards the middle of the tent, staring at me.

"Child, how dare you question who I am!" I said in the deepest voice I could muster. Just then, the girls outside the tent started waving around their hands. They held branches of trees with leaves to look like they were shaking with anger.

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