The morning after

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When I wake up, Y/N is still sleeping. I look at her a few seconds but she shifts, Now facing the wall. I stretch and step out of the bed. I walk over to the closet on the other side of the room, opening it and taking out new black jeans and a red flannel. I silently walk to the door and open it. I stumble to the bathroom, opening the door. I step inside and lock the door. I'm way too tired to go out. It's 05.30 and that's way too early for me, but going on morning patrol can be fun. I take off my clothes and put them on the edge of the bathtub. I put on the flannel and the jeans. I turn on the tap and freshwater streams out. I fill my hands with the water and splash my face with it. I wash my hands and brush my teeth. I hear a knock on the door. "Ellie, is that you?" A tired voice says. It's Catherine's voice. "Yeah, you need me to open the door?" Catherine doesn't answer so I just open it. Her eyes are red and filled with tears. "What? are you okay?" I ask. She shakes her head. I pull her into a hug. She wraps her arms around my waist tightly. I can feel her tears through my flannel. I put my hand on her head. "Is he back yet?" I ask her. She shakes her head again. "You want me to go look for him?" She first shakes her head 'no' but after a few seconds, she nods. "Ok, I gotta do it after patrol. You just go get some extra sleep and eat something." I say. It's 06.00 now. My team leaves in 30 minutes. "I'll go look for him after." I let go of her and she walks back to her room. I sigh and quickly put my hair in a half bun and go back to my own room. When I walk in Y/N is sitting up in bed, reading a book. "Hey Y/N, what are you reading?" I ask. Y/N closes the book and shows it to me. It's Romeo and Juliet. "No way! Where did you find it." I say as I walk over to her. She hands me the book and I look through the pages. "I found it in a library." Y/N says. I give back the book. "There were a lot of good ones. But I couldn't take them all." My eyes widen. "Do you think you can show me?" I ask with high expectations. Y/N looks at me and I look at her. A small blush forms on my face. "I guess I could but it's a 2-day trip." I look at her with big eyes and pout my lips. "Y/N? Please, please, please take me." I plead. Y/N laughs a bit. Her laugh is beautiful. "Sure, but how? I mean don't you have any other things to do?" Y/N asks while getting up from the bed. "Yeah, I do. but you can get time off for expeditions that can benefit the community." I say. Y/N's E/C eyes light up. I stare at them for a few seconds and without thinking I blurt out: "You have beautiful eyes." As soon as I say it her face turns bright red. My face does the same. Mental facepalm because I have no idea how to do it in real life anymore. My entire body is frozen. "Thank you." Y/N says as she picks up the book she dropped. I hear the front door open and snap back to real life. "Let's go have breakfast." I say and Y/N nods slightly. I walk out the door and Y/N follows. I turn around. "You have any clothes, or is that all you have." I ask. She looks down, embarrassed. "That's noting to be embarrassed about. When I came in here I only hade two pairs of clothes. you want to put on something new?" Y/N nods. I walk back to my room and open the closet. "Just pick something, I think almost everything'll fit you." I leave the room for only a few minutes and then Y/N steps out. She found a brush in there so her H/C, H/L hair is now combed. She's wearing a red shirt with a bird on its left chest and black jeans. "Good choice." I say and it makes her smile. God that smile is pretty. I lead her out of the door and to the food centre. "Do you think you can find your way back?" I ask. "Uhm maybe." Y/N says as I scan the room. It's filled with people. I spot Casper and walk over to him. Y/N follows me. "Casper, I want you to meet Y/N. My new roommate." Y/N reaches for Casper's hand but he pulls her into a hug. I laugh a bit. He really is just a clingy friend. "Nice to meet you." Casper says. "Nice to meet you too." Y/N follows up. "So, Casper. I need to go on patrol in 20 minutes, but she needs to go back home, or at least if she wants to." Y/N just nods. "But It's quite hard to find and since you know where I live, I thought that maybe you could bring her." Casper nods and bows. "I'll be at your service my lady." He says. Y/N laughs and sits down next to him. I get our food and sit across from them. I got her a sandwich with Peanutbutter and jelly and some fruit. I got the same. "I didn't know what you liked." I say to    Y/N. "This is perfect. reminds me of home." She says. I blush a little at that and Casper sees this. He kicks my foot making me look at him. He laughs and I flip him off. We eat our breakfast and when I still have ten minutes I get up. "I'll see you guys at noon." I say as I get up. Y/N waves and Casper flips me off as revenge. I swear Casper, sometimes you're cringy as fuck. 

I get to the armoury and open my locker. I take out my backpack and my rifle. My bow was already attached to the backpack. I count my arrows. Only five left, I'll have to get new ones. I walk to the armoury administrator. "Hey, Ellie." She says. "Hey, morgan. Can I get ten arrows?" I ask. She nods and walks into the stockroom. She comes back with ten arrows and asks for my card. We have to give that every time we get now ammo. It's so they can check if anything weird is going on. "What are you going to do." She asks me, Also part of standard protocol. "Morning patrol, only had five left." I answer and Morgan nods. She writes down what I got and why and hands me the arrows. I put them in my backpack and walk out. I meet my team at the gate. "Everybody here?" Sam asks. "YES" Everyone says. Sam signals to open the gate and it opens. Time to go on morning patrol.

Ellie's Adventure // Ellie x Female Reader// The Last Of UsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu