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Samuals P.O.V

When I'm inside the mall, we split up. I go to the west side, Carst and Bob go north. As I head off to the west side, I almost trip over an Infected. "Shit!" I exclaim, looking down at my boots. "Carst, come in." I say to the walkie. There is only static. "Bob, are you there?" I ask again. "Fuck." I turn around, hesitating if I should go back. Leaving Carst and Bob behind, and disappointing my dad. I sigh and turn back. Continuing my journey. I take my rifle from my back. I take a left and end up in a long part of the mall, filled with looted stores and burned piles bodies. I shiver at the thought of the fires. I check every store. Ending up at the last one. A very tidy book store, nothing burned, nothing broken. I enter and search every corner but find nothing. I'm about to walk out when I see a girl, carrying a boy. I quickly stand behind a bookcase, carefully following them. When they get closer, I see that the boy is Casper. His entire leg is stained red, of blood. I want to step out, but now I also recognize the girl. It' s Ellie, who's supposed to be dangerous. They enter the book store and I stay as quiet as possible. Not moving. I hear a hiss and a door opening. I walk to the other side of the bookcase and look at where they're standing. I see Ellie pulling down a book and opening a door. She takes Casper inside.

As soon as the door closes I walk to the book. I let my finger slide along the back. I pull it back. the door opens and I look behind it. No one. I step inside, closing the door behind me. I walk to a brightly lit room with a table. Casper is sitting on it. Ellie has a bottle of whiskey and is stitching up Casper's wound. I sight at the sight of how carefully she does it. How much she seems to care about him. I look at the girl next to Ellie, it's Y/N. She looks worried too. "Let's get you on a bed." Ellie says.  "Won't you be needing one?" Casper asks Ellie "Uh, no." She quickly replies with a quick glance at Y/N. "What why not, where are you sleeping?" Casper says. That's the last I hear before they enter an other room. I look behind me, to the wall with the secret door. I turn around and walk away. opening the door and leaving them. As I'm walking back to the door I see someone on the floor.     "Dad!" I yell. Bob and Carst are next to him. "Didn't you hear the gunshots!" Carst yells. "No." I say as I fall to my knees next to my dad. The area just above his collarbone is shattered, blood covering almost everything. I feel for his pulse. He's gone. I stand up, searching for the horses. "They're not here anymore. I searched everywhere." I say as I walk to my horse and get on her. "But, what about Casper." I hesitate. "I found his body." I say. "Now get on your horses, we're out of here!" As I look to my side, I see Ron. He's not breathing. My horse takes a few steps forward as Carst and Bob get on their horses. We leave.

Ellie'S P.O.V

"We should probably stay here 'till you're both healed." I say when Casper wakes up. "What do you mean both?" Casper asks. "Well, you're shot in the leg and Y/N got shot in her side, so you both need to heal." I say. "Yeah, but I didn' t expect that you still wanted to be friends with me." Casper says. I want to answer but Carmer and the girl walk in. "Give it to her. Callie." Carmen says. Callie walks to me and hands me a drawing. It's me and Y/N holding her hands. I smile. "Thank you, I'll protect it with my life." I say as I hug Callie.

*Time skip*

As Y/N I packing her bag to leave, I'm thanking Carmen for her help. "We can't thank you enough." I shake her hand firmy. "Don't worry." She says and she lets go of my hand. I walk to Y/N. "Are you ready?" She nods and kisses me on my cheek. I quickly look at Casper but he's looking the other way. I take her hand and lead her to the 'living room'. I let go when we reach Casper, he is waiting for us. He is still limping a bit but he'll manage. He got a backpack from Carmen. "How are you feeling?" He asks me. Turned out that sleeping together without Casper noticing was impossible so I slept on the floor for two days. I crack my neck. "Better." I say. Casper laughs. "Sorry about that." He says. I shrug. "We should get going." I say. Callie runs to me and hugs my legs. I crouch down and hug her back, after me she hugs Y/N. "Hope to see you again." She says and I can't help but crack a smile. We walk to the door and carefully step out. "I really hope we find Arthur and Gaia." Y/N says. "Yeah, me to." Casper says while leaning against a car. "We left the horses in the parking lot, but they're gone." I run to the forest and look for them. I hear a horse but don't see it. "Gaia, Is that you?" I ask. I hear the horse again. And then out of nowhere, Gaia runs to me, followed by Arthur. "Thank God." I say. I take Gaia and Arthur's reins and pet Gaia. "Come on." I say, lightly pulling the reigns. I reach Y/N and Casper. "Casper, you take Arthur, I'll go with Ellie." Y/N says. "Are you sure?" He asks. Y/N nods. I jump up on Gaia and pull Y/N on. Gaia starts walking and when I look behind me, I see Callie waving at me. I wave back.

Joel's P.O.V

I walk to Tommy's house, trying to get permission to go out.
"Come on Tommy, you gotta let me go. She's been gone for eight days." I say as see Tommy. "I can't let you." He replies. "Why not! What if something happened?" Tommy sighs. "Fine, but I'm coming with you." He says as he takes his bag. "Thank you." I say and I grab my bag as well.

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