the town

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"Hours? are you sure?" Y/N asks. "We only have five days." I laugh. "Fuck that." Y/N sits next to me against the wall. I put my head on her shoulder and close my eyes. I feel Y/N's hand taking mine, and squeezing it. I blush a bit but she doesn't notice.

*Time skip*

"Hey, Ellie?" Y/N asks. "Yeah," I say with a sleepy voice. "I, I Uhm. You know, never mind." She says. I open my eyes. I look at Y/N. She is looking at the sky. The roof of the hut is gone and is showing us the beautiful stars. "It's night?" I ask. Y/N laughs. "Yeah, it has been for a while." She says. I look at the stars now too. They're really bright and easy to see. Y/N looks at me now. "You're beautiful." She says. I look at her, my face as red as tomatoes. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean that. No, No I did. But I Uhm didn't." I laugh and sit up straight, same hight as Y/N now. we're really close. I hesitate but lean in, closing my eyes. I feel Y/N lips on mine. Y/N hand is on my back and my hand is on her cheek. We move a bit, now sitting straight in front of each other. I kiss her more, trying to pull her closer but my legs are stopping me from doing that. But Y/N fixes that. She pulls back from the kiss and looks at me. she then lifts her body a bit from the floor and sits on my lap. she kisses me again. This time, her body is against mine. she puts her hands behind my neck and I put mine around her waist. When we stop kissing our foreheads keep touching. I smile and so does Y/N. We sit like that for, maybe two minutes, when our moment gets disturbed by a man's voice. I see a guy standing on the ground. He is holding a rifle. "Who are you!?" He yells up at us. I wave at him, trying to be funny but he doesn't laugh. I pick up my bag and let myself fall from the hut, and so does Y/N. The man aims his weapon at us. "Give me one reason not to kill you." He says. "I'll give you three," I say. The man looks confused. He signs for me to tell them. "Well, first of all, we didn't know the hut was owned by anyone. Second, we were chased by a group of infected and had nowhere else to go. And third, we didn't do anything to you" I hold my hands up, but my face is confident. Like I know what ik doing. The guy laughs. I did not expect him to do that. "I guess you're right. You girls need shelter?" He asks. "No, thank you. We need to get moving." I say as I take Y/N's hand, pulling her away. "Ellie, wait." Y/N says. "You don't happen to have any horses, do you?" She asks the guy. He smiles. "Actually. we do have a few that we were going to set free, so if you need two, you're welcome to take them." Y/N smiles but I don't. I don't trust him.

On our way to the horses, the guy tells us his name. "I'm Thomas." He says "The town is just down the road." He says. "Can I ask where you're going? " He says. "None of you bui-" I get cut off by Y/N. "A library, up west." She says. I shoot her a look that says: 'what the fuck?' She smiles. "Oh, you mean saint Paul library." He says. "From our town, it's maybe a four-hour walk, with horse two and a half." Y/N smiles even more now.

We reach the gates of the town. "You want something to eat first?" Thomas asks us. "Yeah, why not?" Y/N says.'Because he could be a murderous psychopath who wants us just for the meat. I think but I don't say it. Y/N takes my hand, pulling me with her this time. Thomas opens a door and we enter, what looks like, a dining hall. "Just take a seat, I'll get you some food," Thomas says. Y/N sits at a table close to the entrance. I sit next to her. "I don't trust this," I whisper. "I know, but we need those horses." She whispers back. She takes my hand. I sigh. When Thomas comes back he puts two plates on the table. "Deer meat and some fruit. It's not much, but it is all we have." He says. Y/N touches his arm and says. "Don't worry, food is food." Thomas smiles. "When you're done, I'll be at the stables. Just through that door to the left and you're there." He says. Thomas leaves and Y/N and I start eating. "This is some good meat," I say with my mouth full. Y/N laughs. "Sorry what?" She says. I swallow my bite. "This is some good meat," I say again. "Oh, got it. And yes, it is." She replies.

When we're done we bring our plate to the kitchen and go through the door Thomas told us to. We then go left and see Thomas with two horses, a saddle and everything. "Here you go." He says as he gives me and Y/N the reins "Do they have names?" Y/N asks. Thomas shakes his head no. "So we can give them one?" Y/N asks. Thomas nods. Y/N' horse is white with black manes. "I'm going to call you Arthur."  I smile. My horse is light brown and has some darker spots on her behind. I think "Gaia." I say. Both Thomas and Y/N look at me, confused. "Where did that come from?" Thomas asks. "I found a book, about greek gods, and this name was in there. 'mother nature' And well, she is brown so." I shrug. Thomas still looks confused but
Y/N looks impressed. I get on Gaia and
Y/N get's on Arthur. "Thanks, for the food and the horses Thomas." Y/N says. "Why would you do this?" I add. Thomas smiles. "Now, I'm not gonna lie. These horses are old. We have new ones and these two just weren't strong enough anymore. Now, of course, they're still fast and strong enough for your journey." He says. My forehead furrows. "We need strong horses to keep infected away from our lands. With slow ones, we'd just die." I nod and pat Gaia's neck. "Thank you." I say with a slow and low voice." Thomas smiles at us." My pleasure."

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