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I wake up, rubbing my eyes and yawning. I search the room for a clock and find one on the left wall, it's 5:32 A.M. I carefully step out of bed, trying not to wake Y/N. When I'm out, I try to find my way out of the secret home behind the bookcase. I finally find the door and open it. Two puddles of blood are on the floor. I shiver and walk past them. before I leave the store, I scan my surroundings for the people who almost killed Y/N. I don't see anyone, but I stay in the dark by the walls. When I reach the door through which we entered the mall, I carefully look around again. "Gaia? Where are you girl." I hear a horse around the corner and walk up to the sound, but when I see the horses, a few men are stepping down. I quickly stand behind the wall. That was not Gaia. "We didn't get her yesterday, but we will get her today." One of them says. "And next time, try not to shoot innocent people." Another says. The first man laughs but the second one doesn't. "I'm serious, and the other girl has nothing to do with this." the second man adds. I recognize his voice, but I can't place it. I hesitate but decide to take a quick look around the corner. But I don't have to. "Casper, I swear to god, if you don't stop whining, we'll kick you out." 

I gasp. Casper? What are you doing here? I look around myself, only now realising, I didn't bring my weapons. "We'll go into the mall, try and find them." Another man says. "Samual, If she is still alive, make sure you kill her." An older voice says. "But don't kill the other. I want her alive." I hear Casper gasp. "You told me you would let her go, dad." Dad? what, his father is the leader? "Well, If what you told us is true, about her being dangerous, it is better to catch her." Casper's dad says. There is a silence for a minute. "Samual, if you hurt Ellie in any way, I can no longer see you as my brother." Casper says. Samula fake gasps and says: "I don't care." It is silent for a moment again. "Bob, Carst, you're with me." Samual says. I hear footsteps and glass shatter, and Just like that, Samual is gone. I peek around the corner again. Three left. Casper, His dad, and a man whose name I don't know. "Hey Ron, would you please tie up the horses to those trees?" Casper's dad says. "Yes, sir." The guy apparently called Ron says. I hear hoofsteps which slowly disappear. I look around me, no weapons, not even something small, like a branch. I look to where Ron was going. There are a lot of cars I can hide behind. I hesitate but take a sprint to a red car.

No one saw me. I keep sprinting to other cars, without being seen. When I reach the last car in front of Ron, I look at Casper and his dad. Their gaze is fixed on the entrance of the mall. I take a deep breath and step away from the car and crouch to Ron, who is petting one of the horses.

I stand up and throw my arm around his neck, covering his mouth with my other hand. I pull him down to the ground and hold him like that until he's still on the ground. I check if he is really dead and grab his gun. I search the horses for anything that could be used as a weapon, but all I find is a plank of wood filled with nails, I take it anyway. As I find my way back to the door of the mall, I check if Samual might have returned. He hasn't. I stop, one car away from Casper. He and his dad are still facing the door, Casper is 3 feet behind his dad. I stand up, aim my weapon at him and step forward, pressing the gun against his head. Casper flinches and his dad turns around. Casper throws his arms in the air, dropping his rifle. Casper's dad aims his pistol on me. "Give me the rifle." I say to Casper, who crouches and picks it up. I follow his head with my pistol. He hands me the rifle, which I now aim at his head, the pistol is aimed at his dad. "Drop it!" I yell. Casper's dad drops the gun. "Kick it." He kicks it y way, and I kick it further away. Out of his grasp. "Ellie, what are you doing?" Casper asks. "What am I doing, You're the one trying to kill me." I say angrily. "No, I never tried to kill you." I scoff. "Oh yeah? who shot me then huh? Who shot Y/N?" I press the gun harder again Casper's head. "I don't know who shot her. But it wasn't me!" Casper yells. BANG.

A shot is fired but it doesn't hit me. It hits Casper. I instantly shoot back, Hitting Casper's father just above his collarbone. Casper drops to the ground and a second later His dad does too. I look at Casper, who's leg is red of blood. "Come on." I say as I put my arm under Casper's shoulder. I lift him up and walk through the door where I left the mall. As I carry Casper through the mall to the bookstore, there is nothing but silence. We enter the book store and I walk to the bookcase. I pull back the book and the door opens. "Carmen? Where are you?" I ask. "Ellie, where were you?" Y/N's voice echoes through the room. "What, Casper what are you doing here?" She steps out of the shadows. "Are you Okey?" she asks. Walking over to us, half falling to the ground. "Y/N, what are you doing out of bed?"  I ask. "I didn't know where you were, but Carmen wouldn't let me out." She answers. I walk to the table where we treated Y/N and help Casper on it. I walk to a chair in the corner of the room and take the first-aid kid and the whiskey from it. I open the whiskey bottle as I walk to Casper. I pull up the trouser leg and throw the alcohol over it. Casper tightens his entire body from the pain. I Stitch up the wound and apply a bandage, then pull down his trouser leg. I help him up. "Let's get you on a bed." I say as I help him to our room. "Won't you be needing one?" He asks me. "Uh, no." I say while looking at Y/N for excuses. "What, why not, where are you sleeping?" He asks. "She'll sleep on the floor" Y/N blurts out. My eyes go big as I drop Casper on the bed. "Ahrg, what the fuck?" Casper says. I wave him away and pull at Y/N arm. "What the fuck, Why me?" I ask. "Oh come on, You're the only one not hurt. You'll get one of my pillows" She says. "fine, just once." Y/N mouth drops open. "Really, Once?" She asks sarcastically. I shrug. "Yes, once." I say. I sigh and look at my shoes. Y/N puts her hand under my chin and lifts it. "Maybe if he falls asleep fast, we can share a bed together." she says.

When we enter our room again, Casper is asleep. "Guess we can share a bed." Y/N sits down on her bed, her back against the wall. I pick up F/B and sit next to her, opening the book on page 123. "You came quite far." She whispers. I smile. "I have." I say as I put my head on her shoulder. She puts her head on mine and I start reading.

Ellie's Adventure // Ellie x Female Reader// The Last Of UsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang