Happy birthday

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When I get back from Morning patrol,  Y/N isn't home. But there is a note on the table. Gone shooting at the weapons store with Casper. Y/N. It says. I pick up the note and put it in my pocket. I take my own bow and go to the store. On my way there I walk into Joel. "Hey kid, Where are you going?" He asks. "Weapons store. Y/N and Casper are shooting there." I answer. Joel looks at my face. "You like her?" Joel says. I look at him and I can see his face is slightly lighting up. "Yeah, she's nice." I say cocking my head to the side. Joel looks to the ground. "Where are you going?" I ask Joel. "Over to tommy's," I nod and the silence between us is weird. I want to break it but I'm too late. "I'll see you tonight?" I look at him, confused. "For your birthday?" He says. "Please don't say you forgot your own birthday." He says and I smile at bit embarrassed. "Maybe." I wave bye to Joel and he waves back, entering Tommy's house. Holy shit. I actually forgot my own birthday. I guess that feeling I get from Y/N just kind of overwhelmed me. A few minutes later I'm at the storeand I open the creaky door. Andy is behind the counter. "Hey Ellie, How can I help you?" He asks as he leans forwrd on his elbows. "Is Casper here?" I say as I step closer to the counter. "Yeah, he's in the back shooting. You want anything for your bow?" He asks me. I look at my bow, the wood is in really bad shape, the wire is about to snap. It is basically falling apart. I sigh. "I guess I could use a new one." I say. "How much is the best you have?" I ask while I place my old bow on the counter. "It's on the house. For your birthday." My eyes grow big. "Are you sure?" First a new knife and now a new bow? guess it's my lucky day. "Yeah, ofcourse." Andy hands me the new bow. I hold it in front of me, looking at the way it'made and how curved it is.  "Here, take these and go shoot them." Andy says as he hands me a few arrows. I nod and walk into the back. I see Casper helping Y/N with shooting a bow. "Hey!" I call out, just a bit too loud.  Y/N gets startled and lets the arrow loose. It almost hits a bullseye. "Hey, Ellie. How was patrol?" Casper looks at me with a smile plastered over his face. I walk over to them. "Nothing new. Had to take down some clickers but that is all." I reply. "Oh, Happy birthday!" He adds. Y/N now turns around. "It's your birthday?" She asks. I nod "17 now, just 4 more years and I can drink alcohol." I say with a smile. Y/N laughs with me. I look at my bow. I only see now that it is covered in carvings, the same as on the knife. Peter said he found it. I'll ask him later. I stand in front of a target and aim my bow. I shoot a bullseye and Y/N applauds. I smile at her, which makes her face a bit red. I look back at the target and shoot another arrow, just underneath the other. "Me and Y/N were actually bout to leave." Casper says while scratching the back of his head and looking down at the ground. I nod as I fire another arrow. "I just wanted to test this one." We walk out the back into the store. "How's the bow?" Andy asks. "It's great. Are you sure I can keep it?" Andy sighs, smiles and rolls his eyes. "Yes, I'm sure." I shake my head while laughing. "Thanks!" I say as I exit the store. "Hey Y/N, we can get a permit to go on expedition if you want?" I say to her. She turns around and smiles. "Yes, Let's do it." Casper, who has to go the other way, waves goodbye to us and walks away. 

*Time skip*

We exit the building with a permit for five days. "Holy shit! did you see that?" Y/N says. "Huh? no," I say. Y/N takes my hand and pulls me into an alley. She stops, still holding my hand. "I could swear I saw Lightbulbs in different colours go on and off." She says. "there will be some tonight, at my party." I say, not noticing that we're still holding hands. Y/N turns around.
She looks at our hands and let's go. "I'm sorry, about the hand. I just got really excited." She says. "No worries, so did you want to comes to my party?" I ask and she nods instantly. "I would love to!" We walk back to our house together. When we arrive I open the front door and get surprised by Peter, Catherin, Casper and many other people. "Suprise!" They say. A smile appears on my face. I look at Y/N, who shrugs and walks over to Casper. She whispers something in his ear and he nods. Casper raises his glass, sushing everybody in the room. "To our friend, to our adventurer and to our sister. May she live forever." He says with a laugh through the last sentence. I laugh as well and give him a hug. I walk over to Catherine. I look her in the eyes and she shakes her head no. "I'm sorry. I haven't had the chance to look yet. But I'm going outside the walls with Y/N. I promise you, I will look for him then." I give her a tight hug. "I'm sure he's perfectly fine." Peter is talking with Casper and I join in. "Hey, peter? Can I talk to you for a second." I say as I pull at his sleeve a bit. "sure." He says, handing his drink to Casper and shrugging at him. We walk to the kitchen. "I got a bow from Andy and it has the same carvings as your knife." Peter looks at his boots. "I wanted to get you something special." He purses his lips and looks back up t me. "So I bought the knife." I nod, Thinking about what it may have cost him. "How much was it?" I ask. "four rabbits and some berries." Peter says and I sigh. Not because I'm mad, But because he risked his life to get me a new life. "I'm sorry, I know you said not to give you anything to special but-" I don't let him finish his sentence. I hug him and say thank you again. When I turn around Casper is on top of our dining table. "In a short amount of time, We will travel to the party hall, where we will properly celebrate Ellie's birthday!" I laugh and facepalm. Everyone lets out a 'whoo' and follows Casper outside. Y/N waits for me. "You like it so far?" She asks. "I love it," I say with a big smile on my face. And I don't know if I see it right or not but Y/N looks at me and her eyes brighten up. I hug her and Y/N hugs back. We hug so tight that there is not an inch of space left between us. I let go and we walk outside as well, following the crowd to the party hall.

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