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I must have fallen asleep because I can't remember the electricity turning off. I sit up and rub my eyes. "Ellie, we have to move quick." A boy says. It's not Casper but I recognize his voice. It's Levi, Casper's best friend who we can supposedly trust. "Casper is helping Y/N. Samual drugged her and she is still out, we'll have to carry her to one of the horses outside of the camp." Levi gives me his hand and pulls me up. "Thank you, for helping us." I say as I let go and brush some dirt off my clothes. "No worries, I needed to get out of here anyway." I nod, not asking any questions. We hurry to Y/N's cage and I see Casper carrying her out. I rush to help and together we lift her. I see her face, it is filled with bruises and her lips are bleeding. The beautiful lips I kissed." Where do we go?" I ask. Levi points at a wall opposite to us. He walks to it and pulls away some planks, making a way through the wall. He goes through first and me, Casper and Y/N follow. The tunnel leads to outside the walls. "That was easy, Would've expected more running to be honest." I say as I stand up again. "Well, the two of us lived here for ten years, so we made some secret routes. You know, to get out sometime." Levi says as he whistles for the horses. "Won't they others hear us?" I ask. "I took care of that, said I was leaving for food at night." Levi says as the horses approach. He helps me on and together we pull Y/N on as well, she is in front of me so she doesn't fall. "You alright like that?" Casper asks. "Yeah, I'll manage." I say as I take the reigns. The horse starts walking and we leave.

Joel's P.O.V

We ride to the library. On our way there we need to stop. We get down from our horses and look for a way through. It just became light but we still need to use a flashlight to see. I click it on and search. Instead of a way through I see two horses. I walk to them and pet them. "Tommy, you think they're theirs?" I ask. "I don't know but it looks like they went through there." Tommy says as he points at an open door. I step through and check for infected. I don't see any and walk through the building. I hear a bottle fall behind me and I turn around, aiming my gun at where the sound came from. "Joel?" Ellie's voice says. "Ellie, You're alive." I say as I let the gun down. "Yes." She says. I hear more sound behind her and see Casper and another boy carrying Y/N. "What happened." I ask. "You remember what I said about my brother?" I nod. "well, he went through with it, or at least my dad did. I think he wanted to stop him but was too scared to do it." Ellie turns around and back to me. "You knew about this?" She asks.

Ellie's P.O.V

Y/N almost fell off, but I caught her in time. We got to the part where Y/N got taken at dawn. "What about the horses?" I ask. "They'll find their way back, and also there is enough grass. We'll take the saddle off and set them free." Levi says as he steps down. I nod and help Y/N off her horse. Levi grabs her legs and steadies her on the floor. I slide off the horse and swing Y/N's arm around my shoulder. "We're getting you home." I whisper in her ears. We walk to the building with the tunnel underneath. "I'll go first, can you take Y/N?" I ask. Casper nods and lifts Y/N. I walk through the tunnel. When I get down the stairs I bump against a crate, a bottle falls down. Someone aims a gun at me. "Joel?" I say. Joel lowers the gun. "Ellie, You're alive."

*Time skip*

"Yes, I knew about it." Joel says. "About them wanting Y/N?" I ask in disbelief. Joel nods. "What the fuck! Why would you even let us go?" I say as I push him. "Because if I didn't help them, they'd kill you." Joel says. "When you saw me and Y/N together, You smiled, You looked happy. and now you're telling me this?" I say. "That you knew about them wanting to kill her!" I turn to Casper, who is looking at his shoes. "And you knew it to and didn't try to stop us?" He just nods. I look at Levi but he is just as confused as me. I hear some coughing and look at Y/N. Her eyes slowly open and Levi puts her on the floor. I kneel next to her and hold her hand. Y/N's eyes flutter open and the light fills her beautiful E/C eyes. "Hey." I say and I smile. "Hey." She says confused. "What happened?" I look at Joel and Casper. "That's a long story, I'll tell you when we get home." I say as I help her to her feet. We walk out of the building and get on the horses. There are four horse and six of us, so me and Y/N share a horse and Casper and Levi do. I walk behind them, not wanting to be near them. Levi looks back at me. 'I'm sorry' he mouths. 

*Time skip*

When we reach home, we get our horses back to the stable and me and Y/N walk back home. "I'm so sorry, about everything." I say. Y/N stops. "It wasn't your fault. You didn't know." She says and I stop as well. "But I should've." I say. My eyes tear up. "Ellie, you can't blame yourself for what happened, if there is anyone responsible for this, it's me. I dragged you into this." My eyes fill up with more tears and one falls on my cheek, I quickly wipe it away. "Let's just go home and get some sleep, we'll talk about it tomorrow." I nod and Y/N hugs me. I press her tight against my body. My cheeks get wet and I feel tears on my shirt, Y/N is crying as well. I take her hand and kiss her lips. With both of us crying, my entire face is wet. I smile and wipe away my tears. We walk home and when we're home, we quickly push our beds together and take our clothes off. We jump in bed. Y/N puts her arm around my waist and I settle agains her warm body. I take her hand and close my eyes. We're home, Finally.

I wake up in bed alone. I look around me and see Y/N sitting by the window. "Hey what's up?" I ask as I Sit up in my bed. "I just really want to know what is going on." Y/N says. I step out of bed and put on a Grey shirt and shorts. I walk to her and sit next to her. "Joel and Casper knew about Samual, and his dad wanting you dead. They knew it." Y/N eyes grow big. "And they let us go. Joel says he had to because the saidd they'd kill me if he didn't help them." Y/N nods. "So they basically tried to kill me." She says. My eyes tear up. "In a way." I say as I take her hand. "What were they thinking?" Y/N says with an angry voice. She stands up. "I mean, why didn't Joel or Casper just kill me when they had the chance. Why wait until I met someone I care about?" It's silent for a few seconds. "I don't know." I walk to her again. "That was what he was doing, in the alley." I whisper to myself. "What?" Y/N asks. "On my way back from the party the day we met. Joel was talking to someone, real sneaky. but I couldn't see who it was. Now I know, it was Casper." My heart is filled with rage. "How did I miss it?" I say. It's silent until someone knocks on the door. "I'll open it." I say as I walk to the door. I open it and Catherine is in front of me. Shit, Nathan! "Hey." She says. "Did...did you find him?" She asks. "We...we found him, but he was infected. I say. Catherine drops to the floor. She starts crying. I hug her as an other door opens. I see Peter. 'Nathan?' He mouths. I shake my head. He sighs. "Hey Cat, let's get you on your feet." He says as he looks at me. I look behind me and see Y/N shirt filled with spots where tears fell, her shorts have the same. Peter picks Catherine up and helps her to her room. I sigh. Still on the floor I feel Y/N's hand on my shoulder. "She can't take it." I say. "She'll get through it." Y/N counters.  "You're probably right." Y/N helps me up and holds my hand. "Maybe we should get some food." 

We put on clothes and go to the food centre. When we enter there's maybe 15 people. We get our food and sit at an ampty table. We eat our food and after five minutes Casper sits across from us. "What the fuck are you doing?" I ask without looking up. "I'm so sorry." He says. I scoff. "You really think that that is enough?" I say as I stand up. "You really think, that after all you've done, a 'I'm sorry.' is enough?" I say while I walk around the table to his side. He shifts in his seat. He stands up as well. "I never wanted any of this. They said they'd kill you." I smile sarcastically. "So? Does that give you the right to try and kill her?" I say raising my voice. A few people around me look at me. Casper takes another step back and I take another closer to him. "What would you have told me if they killed her, if your plan succeeded?" I say as I give him a hard push in the chest. "I don't know." he says and I hit him in the face. He falls to the ground and grabs his face where I hit him

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