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As promised Penguin and Shachi sacrificed themselves to make the plan succeed.
The heart pirates docked at the east coast near the lab. It was the middle of the night and guards were walking around with guns. Probably containing Haki bullets.

Penguin and Shachi had already left the sub and was hiding in the shadows of a rock.

"This sucks" states Shachi and Penguin shh'd him.

A guard approached their hiding spot, it was time to put law's plan into action. "Ok ready shachi" said Penguin putting his hands on Shachi's shoulders.

"No" shachi blushed. Penguin ignored him and pushed Shachi on the ground and landed on top of him. He was really close to Shachi's face and started to blush. All part of the plan.

The guard stopped when he heard the shove and looked behind the rock. He expected to see a log or beach creature or at the worst a crazy looking intruder but to his understanding it looked like....two boys making out.

"H...HEY WHAT ARE YOU..U TWO DOING HERE" the guard yelled and started to be flustered.

Penguin and Shachi sighed and told the guard exactly what law wanted them to say. "W..we're on our honey moon and...and we just wanted to find a quiet place to..." the guard held his hand up signaling penguin to stop getting the picture.

"Ok...ok well you two can't be here so please leave" he said flustered. "WHAT WHY" yelled Shachi. The guard started to tell them about the private property. Unaware the black figures bouncing from rock to rock behind him.

Law and Ikkaku were impressed by how will the two were holding up their end of the bargain. Law had taken their hearts and only promised to give them back when they distracted the guard long enough but Shachi looked like he was about to lose it.

His face was Bright red and steam was coming out his ears "THATS IT" he yelled and literally headbutted the guard. The guard was so shocked he spit up blood and fell over. Everyone was quiet, luckily the other guard was just now walking around the corner. Penguin and shachi quickly hid the guard behind the rock and stripped him of his uniform.

"Way to go SHACHI what happens when they find him" wisper yells penguin. Shachi's face still beat red "ss...shut up" they made their way to where law and Ikkaku were.

Penguin was in the uniform and Shachi handed law the key card. "Have fun boys?" giggled Ikkaku. They glared at her. "You both didnt complete the mission so you have to wait longer to get your hearts back. " said law.

They found a door and using the key card,the guard had on him, they opened the door. Penguin was the first to go in. Inside was a long hall way with no doors and no gaurds. He motioned for the other to come in thinking it was safe.

Suddenly a blaring alarm and red flashing lights appeared in the building.
"SHIT, but we were so careful" yelled Penguin.

"Guards are coming" said Ikkaku shutting the door to the outside world just in time before a guard could shoot inside. Everyone was in a panic. The crew looked to their captain.

Law grunted "We cant leave now, you three go look for supplies togther"

"And you?" asked Penguin.

"I'll look by myself" the crew looked worried. Law smirked "Don't doubt your captain"

Tears filled their eyes and they all yelled "CAPTAIN" while running down the hall.
Law quickly started to look for a supply room of the sort and after a while he turned the corner to see a lone door...
"Help me" said a strange beaten up girl to law right before she passed out. He was surprised to see a person like her. He expected guards, devil fruit and haki users. Not what he had to assume was a patient. He caught her and held her still, studying her.

Why would a lab need to take care of an injured person, maybe shes sick with something
law thought but quickly disproved it. He figured she was just seriously hurt. She had bruises over her arms and her feet were swollen. Her dress was soaking in sweat, blood and what smelled like hydrogen peroxide. She had hair that was half short white and long pink hair. And she was EXTREMELY thin.

He kept looking at her trying to process everything until he started to hear a voice call through the hall.
"Kona...Kona where are you hehe"

Without thinking law leaped in to the closet and held Kona bridal style. Law shut the door and hide behind some boxes.
Lucas was now in eye sight of the supplie door. He smirked to himself and he approached the door. He knocked.

"Hey Kona you in here?" he SNICKERED, opening the door.
"Kona come on out we can talk about this." He noticed the bottle of hydrogen peroxide spilt over and his smirk widened.

"Where are you" he started to look around but made sure to check behind the boxes last (since it was really the only place to hide) to give her false hope. After a minute of unnecessary looking he spoke.

"I need you Kona you cant leave just yet" he approached the boxes "remeber who's GIANE PIG YOU ARE" he swiped the boxes away just revealing nobody there. His smirk disappeared "shit" he said....

A/n: woah that took me way to long to finish. I wanted to do something fun with Penguin and Shachi so that's what inspired that (by the way Ikkaku came up with the idea) I hope you guys enjoyed and I wonder what made the alarm go off;)

Next chapter:MEET ME
Bepo will be in the next chapter lol

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