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       "Don't worry I won't kill you... Ceasar needs you alive. But you must be getting sleepy...sleep well Kona"

Monet says holding onto Kona tightly. She smirks to herself, satisfied in her victory, however that didn't last when she felt a strange heat come on her wings.

The heat became hotter and hotter until she couldn't bare it anymore and jerks away in pain. Her wings were melted slightly; Monet looked to her wings confused. Then a light giggle came from the Bi-hair girl. Kona lifts her eyes to look at the Harper.

"Thanks. however, I think I'm warm enough." She responds snarkily. Snow flew around Kona but once it hit her skin, it melted to water vapor. Kona slowly walked forward, Monet instinctively backs away.

"" Monet questions.

Kona threw her arms out for Monet to see. They were scorching red and when the snow hit them, the ice melted.

"The normal human body can survive up to 115° F...but I can hardly say I'm normal"

She says then whipes some sweat from her forehead.

"I can survive up to 162°F" she finishes.

Monet gapes at that and continues to back away. An innocent grin never leaving Kona's face. Kona walks to the wall of ice and places her hand on it. The cold solid instantly melts. It continues to melt until Kona runs outside of the dome.

Monet grits her teeth. Noone has ever  gotten away from that technique. She resembles her wings and breaks the dome down (Finding it useless now). Once she was back in the larger room, she was ambushed by Ikkaku, Penguin, and Shachi. Penguin and Ikkaku hold her by her wings, while Shachi grabs her around her neck.

"GET OFF OF ME" she yells. Before she can activate her logia power, Kona rushes to her and hugs her tightly.

The heat results in Monet screaming in pain as her body starts to involuntarily melt away. Her arms and legs become slush. A small veil drops out of her body. Kona recognizes it as the poison stirred in with the medicine. Kona gets the feeling that if that landed in the hands of this Ceasar guy, alot more people would be turning to stone and dying.

"Get that Veil!" Kona orders.

Penguin reaches for it. Monet starts to shake violently and screams more.

"I CAN'T LET THE YOUNG MASTER DOWN" she screeches one last time before she ushers enough strength to resemble her wings again and pushes the four attackers with a gush of snow.

They are sent flying in different directions. Monet stumbles weakly to the veil. She was failing to restructure herself properly. After a few attempts, she manages to grab the tube. She stores it away and then glares at Kona.

"I need more time for the snow to stop melting...but that lab rat will just melt me again" she mumbles to herself but its prefectly audible to Kona. She scoffs and then clumsily takes flight.

"I suppose this veil will do. I must retreat now...but" she smirks "if I ever see you all again, I will make sure you freeze to death" she threatens.

With that snow circles her; covering the four's view. Once the snow settles down, the snow witch was gone.

Kona scoffs. Damn I couldn't get the poison 

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