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    It has been a little over two hours since the start of searching for something...ANYTHING to give them a lead on who to pin Doflamingo against. Kona had been through all the Navy reports and not surprisingly, they haven't caught wind of Doflamingo's reign in the underground world. Kona moved on to newspapers that dated back to when he first became a she had about 9 years of newspapers to look through.

   To someone else this might have seemed like the most painful task in the world but to someone with insomnia and had been locked away for most of their life, this was a chance to catch up with the times.
    Law was not having a good time though. He was frustrated by the lack of information they had been receiving and started to lose hope. He let his mind wonder around and it somehow ended up thinking of what Penguin and Shachi had been taunting him about.

I do not have 'feelings' for her.

He grumbly thought. He trailed his eyes to her sight. Her magenta eyes followed the words on the paper. Her hair was messy from days of stress
and her thin body slouched in the chair, completely relaxed. She looked happy and fully into what she was reading.

When did we become comfortable in each other's presence? A little while ago I couldn't stand to be in the same room as her.It has only been a month since she joined, I've never come to be comfortable with a person in such a short amount of time.
He thought.

"Yes?" She spoke softly. Law jerked his eyes away but it was too late.

"Find anything?" He played it off. She sighed and shook her head no.
He grunted and went back to searching through documents.


Another 2 hours later and nothing. Kona still enjoyed the time but she worried of the state of her captain. His face was tense and she could tell he was tired and irritated.

She wanted to hurry the process for the his sake, so she read faster but still nothing.

"Hey Captain, who are the major players in this world at the moment?" She asked, grasping at any straw she could find.

He ran his hand through his hair and closed his eyes. "That would have to be the 4 emperors. Big Mama, Kaido, Red Hair Shanks, and the newest one Blackbeard" He said.

One of them has to have a connection to the target but also is it worth picking a fight with a Emperor?  She thought and looked to her Captain.

"Trafalgar, why don't we just attack The family directly, I can come up with a plan faster" Kona asked. He didn't look up at her but tightened his hand into a fist.

"No. We pin him against someone and let them do the dirty work" he says. Kona stays silent.

"The fishman boy called you brother. It suggests you were part of the crew before? If you still hold feelings toward them then mabye we can find another sol-"

He slammed his fist down on the table. "NO- I hate them!" He yelled. Kona instinctively jerked out her seat and moved away from him. When he saw her staring at him fearfully, something tugged at his heart and he instantly relaxed.

He whipped his tired eyes and leaned back in his chair.

"...sorry" Kona said sadly. Law looked at her.

What are you sorry about, you didn't do anything wrong
He wanted to say but didn't.

"...its late you can go to sleep...I can tell you in the morning if I find anything" Kona says akwardly.

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