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"Baby you know you want this..."

"Sure, let's just assume that I do but even so, I can't do 'this' right now." she tried to pull away from him but he would not let her go, instead he hugged her closer to his body and wrapped his arms tightly around her mid-section, " Adam come on, it's almost ten o'clock. You know my parents freak when I stay out past ten on a week night."

"Carrie, I promise that I won't take long." he kissed her cheek then nipped a trail down her neck, and pulled her hard against his groin. There lay the evidence of his obvious arousal. Many a time it was hard to just say no, because his lust was a tangible thing that without fail could ignite her own. But tonight...tonight just wasn't going to be one of those nights. And if she didn't nip this in the bud and soon she would be in for a world of crap from her parents.

"Adam, you know just as well as I do that once you get started there's no stopping you till you're done and that in itself could take hours. Hours that right about now I don't have to spare. You know my parents and even though they think I'm at school right now, cramming for finals, how long do you think it's going to take before they figure out that something's up? So why don't you just do us both a favor right now, spare us this teasing session so that the possibility of it happening another time can still be an option and let go of me please."

"Com'on Carrie, you said you loved me." his grip tightened and if she wasn't mistaken, she was sure she could detect a subtle change as his voice grew hoarser with each word...

Under a normal heavy petting session she'd have chalked it up to him reaching his breaking point, but there was nothing sexy about the cold shivers that she felt run the length of her spine or the hint of something else that she had detected in his words.....something menacing...

"Adam, you know that I love you but this right here isn't about love, this is about sex, sex that right now I don't want. Adam I've got to get home..." Her rambling broke on a nervous gasp as she felt his grip really cinch her waist this time. He never got this rough with her before... "Adam, baby, let go! You're hurting me!"

"Change your mind."

Carrie stopped struggling long enough to register what he said, with the realization came an uncontrollable shaking. "What?"

"I. Said. Change. Your. Mind!" his voice was not more than a hiss in her ear. But his intent was unmistakable, though nothing could have prepared her for what happened next.

His movements were fast and fluid. Before she could wrap her mind around it she was beyond being able to prevent his next actions. He thrust her forward, and without warning that before she could muster the effort to make good on the scream that was building up inside her she was already colliding with the wall. The impact caused her to moan in anguish but before she could recover his one hand was curled around her neck and the other grabbed a fist-full of her hair, as he jerked her angrily around to look at him.

"Nobody says no to me!"

"Please don't hurt me..." she whimpered, trying with all her might to get away from his hold. But her feet found no purchase on the loose stones, and there was a sticky wetness that hindered her from prying his fingers loose. Regardless of how much she tried they wouldn't budge.

"Bitch please, your pathetic resistance only gets me up faster." He actually smiled, but it was a cruel smile and in that moment she didn't recognize the man before her. It was as if he had morphed before her very eyes into a monster. The kind parents told of to keep their kids in off the roads at nights....but how could this be happening to her?

Before she could pursue this line of thought any further, he slapped her across her face so hard, her lip split and she reeled against the wall again. She saw a flash of white as her vision went for a millisecond. Then she heard more than felt her head crack against the cement, but the waves of pain overloaded her senses a delayed second later. She tried not to scream, but even a sadist wouldn't have been able to manage such a feat, as the sound tore from her throat leaving a raw trail in its wake and there was little she could do to stop it.

The pain was excruciating, and that was putting it mildly. Her involuntary whimpers and moans of agonizing pain bore little evidence to what she was feeling; thinking that nothing could possibly feel worse than what she'd just endured but the limits of her mind proved it a lie. To rub salt in her wound she could hear him fumble with his belt then get his zipper down. Try as she might there was no denying what was still to come.

She couldn't muster the energy she needed to get away. It hurt to move and just raising her upper body seemed to exhaust her reserves, and she collapsed to the ground again on a painful grunt as a feeling of lethargy overwhelmed her. She felt his hands on her legs, moving roughly against her skin and perhaps she had passed out for a second because the next thing she knew her skirt and panties were ripped away in one fluid motion.

She tensed and put up what little struggle she could still muster but her legs were forced apart and that was as little fore warning she received as he thrust into her.

She screamed...and swiped at his face. But before she could do any damage, he had her pinned.

Her head cracked against the wall repeatedly and soundly as he took her like an animal. Sometime during the ordeal she had closed her eyes in hopes that it would make what was happening somewhat less real, but even as the tears flowed it would be the fatal decision that would cost her everything.

She never saw the knife that carved almost gracefully into her skin and had little time to react before her neck was flayed.

Her eyes flew open and widened in terror as her blood gushed freely. And in those numbered seconds as her body lay, pouring out her life blood, she watched him lick where one drop of blood blazed a path down between her breasts. Her frozen eyes stared questioningly as her body racked while she gasped for breath but most of all with the aftermath of her final release. It wasn't until the last spasm left her body that he allowed himself the release he so craved. And as the hold on him loosened he brought his bloody lips to speak against her cold blue ones.

"My name isn't Adam, never was..." he kissed her again, very intimately, though she'd never again be able to play her part.

But he liked her better this resistance...


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