Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

After the first break, the court session continued pretty much just as it had before, until it drew to the end. The adjournment for the rest of the day would be the first of many, allowing the Jurors to go about their normal lives for about a week before having to reconvene. As much as Mina’s case seemed to be everyone’s prerogative, there were other cases that needed to be processed and would not be put off. However during that week Tanya learned three things:

-One. Men were very cocky individuals.

-Two. Johan Martillier did not exist.

-Three. Someone was trying to frame Mina Santra and desperate enough to want to do it very, very badly.

But the first and last she already knew. However when Jerry called the next day to say that the name Johan Martillier belonged to a fictitious character and; that every payment was wired immediately to an untraceable, untouchable account offshore, as soon after an installment was made; Tanya wasn't very was now quite obvious that the third reason was somehow milking off the second reason. But what she didn’t really know was why?

As for the first reason, men being cocky individuals, proved time and time again, even in cases where it wasn’t warranted. Tanya had thought that she would have had to go through the court before she would be awarded the chance to get to 'talk' with Peterson, and she had been right, considering that he’d found every way he could to avoid all her calls and her requests that week to speak with him.

"...Thank you Mr. Jackson." the Judge had remarked in a tone of utter boredom, but for those who cared to notice, there had been a twinkle in her eyes that had completely negated it. "Before we adjourn for another day to reconvene in a week’s time, is there anything that you would like to add Miss Shay?"

"No your Honor, I would only like to ask the court if it would grant me a request to interview Mr. Peterson, as evidence."

"That is between you, Mr. Peterson and the DA's office, Miss Shay, I hold no Jurisdiction over that..."

"Yes your Honor..."

She did not have to glance at the two for her to know that there were smirks already planted firmly on their faces. However despite the nasty looks that they wore like masks, she was sure that her public request had shaken them, just like she’d intended. Especially because it now looked to the eyes of everyone around them that they had something to hide, and that was something they couldn’t afford if they wanted to keep the public, especially the Jurors’ favor, so they had both agreed.

The only condition was that the lawyer, Jackson had to be present. This did not however prove to be a futile cause as the lawyer was just as one tracked as his Mr. Peterson. All they both saw was the publicity and the huge boost it was giving to both their careers...nothing more and that was when Tanya saw her silver lining.

It was during those weeks at Tanya’s home that Mina learnt just how determined reporters could be to get their story. She could never leave the house alone. How they knew where she was staying she may never know, though it wasn’t rocket science, so she knew that it would not have taken them long and eventually they would have found her regardless. They were so determined to catch even the smallest glimpse of her that they camped out practically on Tanya's door steps, waiting for anyone to open the door. The moment she peeled back a curtain, lights would be going off in her face as cameras recorded her image…there was no living on the down low and she had no peace.

She couldn’t even leave the house incognito, that is, unless she was accompanied by Tanya. It seemed Tanya's house was built with reporters in mind and she never appreciated anything else more. She had given up doing anything normally the day those shining metal bracelets had been snapped unto her wrists. There was an internal garage with a side door entrance from the living room, which had automated doors. That way they could get in and out of the vehicle unseen and with little to no trouble at all, when at the push of a button the garage door would open and close. At the speed at which Tanya would tear out of the garage, no reporter thought twice about stepping into the way of her vehicle unless they wanted to lose their lives or their toes.

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