Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Mina had been missing for forty-three hours when Jerry finally called.


"Tanya, you're not going to believe what I found."

"About what?"

“A shitload of info on prior cases that you need to get the hell over here to see."

"I'm on my way."

Tanya jumped into her car and sped all the way over to Jerry's fortress. That was the only way to describe his home. He had everything from home security to motion sensors. He hardly ever left, and take-out was his regular routine. Over the years Tanya had learnt to depend heavily on Jerry. He was always there for her when she needed him. She had even considered going the romantic direction with him once upon a time. Honestly that was a huge step considering where she was coming from.

But then that was when she had found out that her dear old Jerry was not interested in her in that way. Could never be, and not to mention he already had a boyfriend. Yep Jerry was gay. And somehow she hadn’t noticed this until she had literally thrown herself at him. Sure there had been an awkward period between them right afterwards. But they talked it over like two mature adults.

Two broken mirrors, a few shattered vases, two bottles of vodka and roughly fourteen years of sanctioned bad luck between them later, they were back on common grounds. Sure, things were not the same as it used to be, but she never expected it to go back there. If she was honest with herself, and Tanya tried to be as honest as her job allowed, this actually seemed much better, with everything now in the open and Jerry was the closest thing to a best friend she would have...until she met Mina.

Tanya had understood though, she was used to life throwing her these kinds of shit, so she did the same thing she did in every other situation she found herself in...She sucked it up like a big girl and dealt with it.

Tanya shook her head and frowned as she pulled up into Jerry's garage. Lost in thought it was almost too easy to forget that Tank was with her. He had stopped by the house again today strange as it seemed, and was there when she had gotten the call. After he reminded her that she had promised he could help, which meant that he had to be kept in on the loop, she sighed in defeat and allowed him to come along.

It must have been karma, or some intervention or something that caused him to show up again when some news came. If having him around meant she’d have progress, she’d take it as a good sign and keep him around all the time. She had to admit that she didn’t know how this would turn out, but he was out of the car before she’d even had a chance to remove her seat belt. She pulled on her jacket, tying the belt as she locked the car and engaged the alarm. Tank was already at the door growing somewhat impatient as he tapped his hands against his thighs and waited on her to arrive at his side.

"Still such a kid," she thought as she noted his antics, but she saw the promise in him that Mina did, and she could appreciate it even now, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t be exasperating. The boy was obviously too used to getting what he wanted when he wanted, and that was a hard habit to kick so she wouldn’t hold it against him…much. She sighed then stepped in front of him, rang the doorbell and waited for Jerry to grant them access.

Her mind strayed to thoughts of Mina...poor Mina...where ever she was.


She screamed and fought against the restraints that held her back. The chloroform had worn off once again. She was alone though, she knew that...but she didn't know for how much longer.

She screamed until her throat was raw and until she was exhausted. She stared down at her naked form and could not stop the blush from burning her cheeks. There she lay so prone and unable to do anything. Never before had she felt so exposed. Except in her dream…but that was different, in her dream she had wanted to be…here not so much.

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