Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Mina was so exhausted, she wanted to sleep forever, but she heard the movement at the foot of her makeshift prison-bed and immediately she tensed. He was back for more...but so soon? She didn't know how much more she could take, and she didn't know how much fight she had left in her. She knew for sure that screaming was a waste of time, not to mention a waste of valuable energy. She also knew she couldn't fight normally since he'd made sure of that by how tightly he'd bound her to the bedposts. She had managed to bite him though. When he'd kissed her last she'd sunk her teeth into his lips with all her might and had been rewarded with the taste of blood.

But she'd made him angry. His eyes had grown wild and though she hadn't thought it possible, more crazed, and he'd backhanded her so hard she'd slammed the tender spot of her head against the hard surface and had fallen unconscious. Mina hated being unconscious more than anything else, because then she had absolutely no control and he was free to do anything he wanted. Sure it was pretty much the same when she was awake. But drawing his blood during his perversion of her body was one of the small victories she treasured in these dark times.

But he was back, and though she could feel the exhaustion seeping into her bones, if the bastard tried to kiss her again, she wouldn't stop until she'd managed to rip his whole damn lip off.

"Stay away from me you bastard!"

"'s me."


She didn't know how she'd finally done it again. She'd tried and tried before but she'd never been able to find her way back to that safe haven she knew her mind had created with him. No she wasn't complaining, but it was about damn time.

"I never thought I'd find my way back to you again...and quite frankly I thought it'd be a little more like last time, I don't know why I'm still tied up..."

Ordinarily under normal circumstances and to a normal audience her ranting would have been seen as that of someone who had lost her mind, but he understood what she was talking about. She'd really been there, and on some psychological level they'd actually connected and shared the experience together. He knew though from the looks of it that she hadn't really accepted the possibility or even considered it.

He realized that she had stopped talking as if waiting on him to say or do something. He vaguely had an idea of where she was because the room was so dimly lit, and he knew she couldn't really see him either.

"Mina it wasn't a dream. Not really. We were really there together. And now I'm really here."

He heard her sharp intake of breath as he stepped forward into her line of vision "Tank you're...what are you doing here, how did you find me?"

He couldn't seem to find his voice as he got his first eyeful of her. She looked a lot worse than the pictures had insinuated and that was saying something. He forced himself to ignore her nakedness. She was bruised and swollen and bleeding in some places, some unbelievable places and some of them were fresh...even there. He felt the rage building inside him as he focused on undoing her restraints.

"The son of a bitch has been taking pictures..."

"I know," she whispered.

"Of everything..." He watched as her eyes widened then turn her head away as tears slowly seeped from her eyes, "It's like his personal blog, with pictures and commentary..."

He tried not to watch as her breasts shook, racked with the intensity of her silent sobs. He drew a ragged breath in an attempt to calm his frazzled nerves and cut her final bond. Even now he was still drawn to her. Did that make him sick too?

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