Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

"Where is she?!"

Tanya could be a bitch when she wanted but sometimes she just could not help it...right now was one of those times...Mina was missing...

From the moment that she had arrived she had been in Lieutenant Peterson's face. Her anger was beyond evident, and the fear was a little too hard to hide as well...

"How would we know?"


"When was the last time you saw her?"

Tanya was growing impatient and it did not help that she really hated this guy after everything that he had done, but she forced herself to calm down, "We had dinner some six or so hours ago and I had to get back to the office to finish some paper work and see a client. Since it was about five blocks away from my house she decided to walk it and save me the trip."

It would seem that Peterson was barely even paying attention...

"Did you even hear a word I just said?! Mina is missing!"

"I heard you, Miss Shay...but it's only been what...about six hours. How do you know for sure that she is missing?"

"What the bloody hell? The house is empty! NO ONE IS THERE! Everything is still how I bloody left it!"

"I understand but how do you know that she is 'missing'?"

Tanya could have strangled him right then and there with her bare hands but there was a glass walled counter between them and believe it, that was the only thing standing between him and a barbaric death. "BECAUSE SHE ISN'T AT MY HOUSE WHERE SHE SHOULD BE!" she screamed.

Peterson looked at her with a blank expression, "Are you sure that she didn't just go out to watch a movie or go for a walk, maybe to collect some things from her apartment?"

"A movie?" she scuffed, "At eleven o'clock in the middle of the night? You have got to be kidding me!"

"There's always the possibility that she went back to her apartment..."

"You people dug up a freaking corpse from her bedroom floor! It was a bloody crime scene. Why in the world would she go back there? Not to mention the fact that we all know that’s basically Government property now."

"People have done stupider things..."

Tanya rolled her eyes at this.

"Anyway, Mina is a grown woman with a grown woman's appetite..."

"Are you seriously looking in my face and suggesting that Mina went out to go get laid?" Tanya's face was so close to his face, that she could have counted each stubble on his chin if she tried. The glass only seemed to magnify what she saw, and she could only hope that it worked both ways. She wanted him to see not just feel the disgust roiling of her.

"I'm saying anything is possible." he stuttered, his Adam's apple bobbed as he visibly swallowed. He tried not to show it but he feared this woman and rightly so. The sooner she backed off the quicker he could hide behind the false sense of security the partition gave him.


"We have to follow procedure here. You of all people should be able to appreciate that Miss Shay."

Tanya closed her eyes and massaged her temples to chase her frustrations away. "How long?"

"Seventeen and a half more hours before we can officially declare it and turn her over to Missing Persons. Though I honestly believe that you are wasting this precincts time with this...I-I'm sure that Miss Santra will probably come waltzing into your house, smiling and having simply lost track of time on her night out..."

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