Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

"C'mon Jerry, open up..." Tanya muttered more to herself than to anyone else.

If she had thought that Tank had been a little impatient before, she dared not look at him now. Though it was hard to ignore the sounds he continued to make as he shifted from one foot to the other and slowly tapped his fingers against something in his pocket...and it had only been five minutes. Then she sighed in relief when she heard the sound of approaching footsteps as Jerry moved to the opposite side of the door. The knob turned and she heard the multiple latches fall away before the door was opened to admit them.

"Sorry T, I was in the shower, you got here much quicker than I thought you would."

"You said to get the hell over, so I took that to mean very quickly Jerry." she replied shaking her head, and then kissed him lightly on the cheek. Then she introduced Tank, "This is Tank Jefferson jr. the Principal for the high school's kid. He made me promise that he could help with this so make him useful."

"I didn't make you promise anything, I asked and you said yes." Tank muttered, as he held out his hand to shake Jerry's. "I'm sorry but I don’t think I caught your name."

"The name's Marsh, Jerry Marsh," Jerry replied a little breathlessly, as his hand lingered in Tanks hold a little longer than was necessary for a customary handshake. Tanya noted this particular detail and rolled her eyes to stop herself from laughing out loud at his antics. Jerry, Jerry, Jerry...oh poor Tank.

"Break it up Jerry, he doesn't swing that way."

The true meaning was not lost on Tank as he gingerly removed his hand from Jerry's.

Jerry merely laughed and winked before following Tanya into his home office. Tank stared wide eyed after him for a few seconds, trying not to give into the urge to do something crazy like wipe his hand on his slacks, before pulling himself together and forcing his legs to follow suit. He entered just as Tanya was making herself comfortable in one of the two empty armchairs.

"What have you got Jerry?"

"Just like you asked I checked the databases for past murders that even remotely matched the profile of our dear Carrie. Had to do a little hacking here and there, so if the FBI comes looking, remember, you don't know me, because I plan to blame everything on you. Anyway, I found a truckload of information and basically I had to spend the past two days combing through it. This is what I've narrowed it down to, there could be more, but these are guaranteed safe bets for sure."

He pulled a pile of papers from off the desk and skimmed through them as he rattled of some names.

"Katie Fellon, Tiffany Saunders, Janice Edwards, Felicity Mathews, Sanya Peaks, and Geena Phills. Though I believe that Sanya may have been totally unplanned..."

"Wait what do you mean by unplanned?" she interrupted him.

"You have to read through all this before you get the full experience but I think I can give you the gist" he shifted into his seat more comfortably, and read the murder profile of each girl, handing the pictures of each to Tanya, things taken from the scene and the actual crime scene pictures. Tank, through all of this, did not move from his position with his back against the door, and his arms crossed against his chest. It looked like a simple comfortable posture, but beneath it he was a quivering mess as he listened to what was said.

"Okay, first we have Katie Fellon, a dear girl from the upper east side who was attending the local university at the time of her death. Apparently the Perp took her to a skate rink. Probably knew her, as the victim suffered from an extreme case of hypersensitivity, not impossible but a highly unusual and rare case that caused her to break out into hives. From what the forensics could gather it was assumed that her blood pressure dropped below normal and her body went into shock causing her to pass out as a result.

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