Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

"So Mina, what are you gonna do now that all this smucky is all over?" Tanya sat out on the swinging bench on the porch. They both had steaming mugs of coffee in their hands.

"I'm gonna go back to my job," Mina gazed off into the horizon, appreciating the simple beauty of the setting sun especially now that she was able to go outside without fear of being hijacked with a camera.

"Why don't you just move on to bigger better things?"

"Because I like it where I am. I like what I do too much. That and the fact that it’s going to be too hard to start over new somewhere else. I’ve been doing hard a lot, these past weeks, and I’ve had more than my fill so a little bit of easy sure can’t hurt. Sure the pay sucks but you could help me out there. And sure I'm only a substitute teacher and pretty soon I'll be out of a job, but I'm not ready to move on yet. When that time comes I'll know, even though my boss is a pain in the ass."

"Why aren't there more women like us in the world?" Tanya sighed.

They both burst out laughing. Tanya accidentally spilled her coffee on herself in the process and they started laughing harder. Mina got up to help.

"Don't worry I'll get that." Tanya shook out her shirt, took her mug and walked into the house and into the kitchen.

Mina still could not get use to the idea of being by herself for too long especially after having to relieve the drama of her life not so long ago. People had been a lot more forgiving of her past than she’d given them credit for, but still she felt anxious whenever she was alone for too long. So she hurriedly got up. She quickly followed Tanya's lead, latching the screen behind them.

A feeling that she had not felt in nearly two months came back, taunting her. The feeling like she was being watched. Sure, for the past month and a half she had been trailed by reporters and camera men where ever she went but this eerie feeling was definitely different. It was much less like a pestering television crew determined to get a quote or a picture, and more like the feeling she had the day before all this had started, but this time unlike then she just could not shake it.

Someone was watching her…as intently as a predator stalked its prey.


He stood in the shadows of the house across from the one she now shared with Tanya, watching her every move so he both saw and sensed the change, the sudden tensing of her body. She knew that he was there. The laughter and the merriment in her died and he watched as the breath hitched in her throat.

She looked around, scouring the surroundings with her gaze, her eyes falling mere inches away from his hiding place. He could read that look.

She was Afraid.

He felt himself growing hard, and he stared down at himself in wonder.

"Amazing," he whispered sliding his hand over his bulging zipper, a soft hiss of pleasure escaped his lips, "Absolutely amazing."

Strange, for she did not have the right complexion and neither did she have the fiery red hair that would have reminded him of Carrie. She was a lot leaner though, a bit on the short side and her face held the subtle hardness that came as a result of having once experienced a difficult life.

Over a year ago, girls like this could not get him up. But as he now ran his hand slowly back and forth over his rapidly growing organ, pressing harder and harder each time as he watched Mina quickly retreat into the house…his lust flared even more. He heard the echo of the latch snapping into place and after stroking himself one last time he knew one thing was for sure.



"Are you sure that you don't want me to come with you, it could get nasty and you may need legal representation." Tanya gave Mina another once-over.

Mina shook her head and gave her friend a hug as she stepped out of the car. She closed the door behind her and turned to lean in the open window. "For one, you have another client to see; two, you can’t follow me everywhere I go so I better get used to it and; three, if this does get nasty and IF I need a lawyer, I will CALL you and/or see you this evening."

"Okay, okay, Martha Stewart, I get it. You don't need me. But if you need a ride let me know. You have a key, but if you need the ride I'm here."

"Okay Mom, love you too."

She chuckled and playfully blew her a kiss as Tanya pulled away from the curb. She watched the car disappear down the road then turned to face the gates that suddenly seemed to loom over her…

For once there was no security guard at the gate to stop her and she did not have to flash her I.D even though she had brought it along with her. She must have caught him on an unscheduled break. Poor him, when he found out the hard way, but this worked well into her advantage. On a mission, she did not glance left nor right and she took no notice of the stares she got from all around. She refused to lose focus now, if she did, she’d also lose her nerve and march right back to where she came from, and would be holed-up in her room for the rest of eternity. She found the door she was looking for, knocked twice as had always been the procedure then entered.

There he was, right in front of her. His head was bent over a pile of papers as he scribbled away, basking in his own self-importance, obviously deeming the interruption as insignificant because he neither paused nor looked up.

When she’d had enough of looking at him she finally cleared her throat. She could see him sigh but still he did not look up, so finally she did what she should have done from the start.

"Good Morning Mr. Jefferson."

He visibly cringed and Mina could not help smiling inwardly with satisfaction. He struggled to gather all the papers on his desk, only to make more of a mess than before. She could tell that his efforts were so that he could have something to do with his hands to mask his nervousness.

"Miss Santra, what are you doing here?"

"I'm here for my job."

"Mina, you must be mistaken, you no longer have a job with us..."


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