Dedications and Other Information

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This story is dedicated to every member of the "The Walking Dead Game" Fandom. But a few special dedications must be detailed:

-To Fran, who has been like a little sister to me. Words cannot describe what you mean to me. No matter what happens, always keep your head up and remember that I love you.

-To Izzy, who has been there for me whenever I needed someone to talk to. Another sister-figure who I wouldn't trade for the world. Here's to more Fortnite laughs 😉

-To Rojan. We aren't even on speaking terms now, but you are still someone I will never forget. I still remember how we met. You commented on one of my posts, asking if I was made of magic. I said that maybe I was, and from then on we were inseparable. I regret what happened, and I hope you somehow see this and know I still love you.

-To Elias. We met in the wake of Telltale's initial collapse and have been like brothers ever since. From the late nights, searching for the tiniest bit of info to bring to the fandom in dark times, to the memes, the GIFs, we've stuck everything imaginable out together. You will always be one of my best friends, a guy I know I can count on, and above all, a brother.

-To Brianna, my girlfriend and future wife. Even though it took a while, you grinded out going through the first three seasons of the game when The Final Season was announced, and experienced every emotion of TFS with me. You supported my fan page and my newfound love for fictional writing. I love you to the moon and back, and always will. 

Before I begin, I want to say a massive, heartfelt thank you to Telltale Games for bringing this amazing journey to us. Season One released in early 2012, and over the past seven years, we have grown to truly appreciate and love this genre of gaming. And to Skybound Entertainment, for taking up the gauntlet to finish out the remaining two episodes of The Final Season. Clementine's story needed an ending, and they came through when we needed them most. For that, I am forever grateful. We may never see Clem on screen again, but that does not mean her story has to end here. It is our job as the fans, no, the FAMILY of The Walking Dead Game to keep her and her story alive.

My plan is to release an Episode every Sunday, starting this Sunday, March 31. I ask that you at least give it a chance. I chose "Infinity" because Clem will live on forever in our hearts, and her story will never end. So sit back, relax, and enjoy "The Walking Dead: Infinity."


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