Episode Eleven: "Trigger"

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Well. Here it goes.

Let's see if I still remember how to write.

After a long hiatus, this is Episode Eleven.

"Wow... I-"

"What the fuck...Vi...no..."

"Oh my god. Guys, I'm so sorry."

They were struggling to comprehend the gruesome sight that tormented their eyes. On the flagpole hung Violet's now-motionless body. The gashes caused her blood to run like a river. Her limbs were so tattered that calling them "limbs" seemed to be a misnomer. A clear lightning bolt was carved into her chest.

Clem and Louis crept up to the horrific display.

"Yeah, Clem. She's dead. Fuck. I never thought Violet would die before me..." Louis murmured.

Clem felt Elias' hand on her shoulder.

"Guys, we really should get inside. They are probably still around, maybe even watching us right now. Let's get inside and figure this all out," he said.

Clem nodded. "You're right, let's go." She took one last look before following Elias' lead inside. By now, Everyone was gathered at the dorm entrance.

"What the hell happened, Clem?" Omar asked. "A.J. woke us all up, saying something had happened to someone."

Clem looked at Louis, his eyes pools of sadness. "Violet...she's been murdered," she answered.

Omar, Willy, and A.J. gasped

"Yes. And as heartbreaking as that is, we really need to figure out a strategy for these people. They are probably still around. If I know anything about them, they'll be striking again. Soon," Elias said, stepping in.

"Right. Elias is right. We can mourn Vi later..," Louis commented. "We need to keep anyone else from dying. What's our best plan of action? Seems like these guys hit so fast we can't catch them."

"It's why they call themselves Clan of Thunder. Idea is you can't see them coming. But based on my encounters, I don't think they're a very large group. They just use surprise. So, first, let's block off they main entrances to the dorms," Elias suggested, pointing at the door at the end of the hallway. "Is this the only way in or out?"

"Yeah," Omar responded. "We blocked the other side off after an incident with Walkers and decided it'd be best to only have one entry point."

"Okay, good." Elias looked around. "Lou, Willy, help me move this display case in front of the door."

Clem stepped back and let them work. "Okay. What's next? All windows in the rooms are barred."

"Well. They like to use surprise? Let's give 'em some surprises of our own," Elias said as he removed a board from the rickety floor. Clem looked on as he set it to spring up whenever it was stepped on, smacking whoever had triggered it.

"Nice. At the least, these can serve as a kind of alert system," Clem remarked.

"Simple, but effective," he replied.

They set up a few more board traps, along with some simple rigged door stuns using glass bottles.

"Okay. Everyone get some rest. I'll keep watch tonight...and make sure nothing happens to anyone else," Elias said fiercely, pulling out both of his machetes. "We can plan a counter attack in the light of morning."

"Are you sure-," Clem began.

"Yes. I won't let these people kill anyone else. I promise," Elias replied.

"Right. And I'll stay up for a bit with him, Clem. In case he needs backup," Louis said, pulling Chairles out.

"Thank you, Louis," Elias said. "All right, everyone else get to bed. We've got this covered."

Everyone retired to their rooms. Clem's head hit the pillow and, within seconds, she was out like a light.


"Hey there, Sweet Pea. So, where were we? Is everyone all right?"

Clem looked up at Lee. They were sitting in the train car again. "No...Lee, I can't...keep them safe. Like you could. I keep failing. People keep dying. Violet...she was murdered. I really wish you were still here..." she said, tears forming.

A serious look swept across Lee's face. "Clem. You are strong. You can do anything. And look, now you have this new boy to help you. He seems like a sharp, strong one. Lean on him. I know, you just met him. And trusting people is hard. But I had to do it. Kenny, Mark, Doug, Christa, Omid. I was counting on people I had never met and had to make a quick decision. I know you will make the right one."

Clem sniffled. "Okay, Lee. You always give good advice. Maybe I need someone to help lead and take some of the stress off of me. Thank you."

Lee smiled. "It's time to go, Clementine. Oh, also. Don't be afraid to pull the trigger," he said as his figure began to fade.

"Wait! Lee? What do you mean? What trigger?" Clem called as he disappeared into the clutches of darkness cast by the shadows.

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