Episode Eight: "Heartbreaking Honesty"

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Sorry this was delayed guys... haven't felt great today and you know how life gets. Anyways, please enjoy.

"What do you mean he kissed you, Clem?"

Clementine was trying her best to hold back any more tears. "I... he kissed me, Louis. That's what I mean... I should have stopped him. I'm sorry. I love you," she whimpered.

Louis stood up and took a few steps forward, keeping his back turned to her. She watched as he stood, still as a statue, for what felt like hours, the cold sweat of fear forming on her brow. She let out a sigh as he shook his head.

"Okay," he began, turning to face her. "I get it. You used to have feelings for him, and you got caught in the moment."

Clem felt the utmost relief. "Wait, really? I was expecting you to be furious... So you aren't?"

She noticed his brow furrow. "I didn't say I wasn't bothered by it. But I'll get over it, it shouldn't get in the way of what we have going here. But I don't feel comfortable with Gabe here. He needs to go, we don't want this to get any worse, Clem."

She looked down, then back up directly into his eyes. "You're right, Louis. He... he needs to go. He was a great help, but... this would be too awkward," she agreed.

Louis leaned over and gave her a good, long kiss. "I love you, too, Clem. So how do we want to do this?" he asked.

Clem began to think of a plan. "I'm not sure yet. Let's sleep on it, maybe a solution will come to us."

Louis nodded. "I'll go get A.J., let him know he can come back. See you in the morning, my darling."

She gave a small smile in return before turning to place her head on the soft pillow. "Damn," she thought. "I thought that was going to be pretty heartbreaking honesty... Guess I got lucky. No more fucking around."

She closed her eyes, quickly nodding off for the night. When she woke up the next morning, she noticed a piece of paper on the desk. It hadn't been there the previous night. "Maybe it's something of A.J.'s," she thought, glancing over to A.J., still in slumber.

She picked up the folded piece of paper. In clear writing, the cover read "Clementine." She unfolded the note and began to read it.


I think it's best I just disappear in the night. I'm glad to know you are alive and well-protected, but this just isn't my place. You have Louis, you don't need me. I'll only be a distraction to you and your friends, create unnecessary drama. So, I've decided to leave. Don't bother looking for me; by the time you're reading this note, I'll already be long gone. Thank you for letting me stay as long as I did. I wish we would've reconnected in a different situation... You'll always have a special place in my heart.

Sincerely, Gabe.

Clem dropped the letter and limped as fast as she could to the courtyard. She approached Violet, who was in the lookout tower.

"Vi! Have you seen Gabe?" she called.

Violet peered down at Clem. "No? Why? You sound worried."

"He left me a note last night. I just now read it and... he's gone. He left last night."

Violet looked shocked. "What the hell? Why would he just leave? I get he's probably like, jealous of Louis and all, but...shit. Have you tried looking for him? Maybe he's still here?" She climbed down from the watchtower. "Come on, I'll look with you."

They searched every inch of the schoolground to no avail. "Damnit, Vi. He's gone..."

Violet put her hand on Clem's shoulder. "Maybe it was best for him. Maybe he'll catch up to Javi and that caravan," she reassured.

Clem noticed Louis approaching. "Yo, Clem? What's wrong, darling?"

She hugged him. "Gabe just up and left last night, without saying anything to anyone," Violet answered.

Clem stared into Louis' eyes. He smiled and leaned in towards her ear. "I guess it took care of itself... I know a goodbye would've been nice. But now that's one less thing on our plates," he whispered. He kissed her cheek before pulling away.

"Yeah... I guess you're right, Lou. But yeah, a goodbye would've been nice. Not a note, an actual goodbye," she replied.

"Hello, there! Can you help us? We come in peace."

The three of them snapped their attention to the main gate. Clem could make out two figures, their faces unfamiliar.

"I promise, we mean no harm. It's just me and my brother. He's blind, and we haven't had anything to eat in days. Plus, we're out of water," the taller, older appearing stranger called.

Clem noticed Violet touch her scarred eye. "Are you alone?" she called in return.

"Yes. I'm Elias, and my brother is Creighton. I assure you, we just need help. I'll even work for it. Please..."

Clem nodded to Louis to slowly approach and open the smaller gate. Elias and Creighton entered slowly, and Louis locked the gate behind them. She was surprised at how well-built Elias appeared to be. Any movement and his arms would ripple like a sack of pythons.

"The only weapons I have are my two machetes. If it makes you feel more comfortable, we can hand them over," Elias offered.

"Yes, for now. Hand them to Louis. You'll get them back once we get a feel for you," Clem ordered.

"Yes, ma'am," Elias said respectfully, handing over the weapons to Louis. "Please, we just need some help. Our camp was raided and we lost everything... everyone. There were seven of us, and me and my kid brother are all that're left." Creighton was hiding behind his brother, obviously quite shy.

"Who raided you?" Louis asked. By now, Willy, A.J., and Omar had joined them in the courtyard.

Elias' look turned from one of openness to one of frustration. "Damn, I have no idea. They hit us so quickly, faster than any other group I'd seen. I knew we were outnumbered, so I got Creighton out and ran. When I went back to see the aftermath, all that they left was a carving of a lightning bolt on a tree or two."

"Wait... you said a... a lightning bolt?" Violet asked, her face stricken with fear.

"What? Violet, what's wrong?" Clem asked concerningly.

"Guys. We're in trouble. Like, a lot of trouble. You thought Lilly was bad? You haven't seen anything yet..."

Episode Nine: "What Comes After Lightning?" coming Friday, May 31st.


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