Episode Three: "Without You"

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So, this part is a little short. I was busy this weekend and didn't get a lot of time. I'll try to make up for it with a long Episode Four. Expect 3000-4000 words ;)



Clementine watched as Arvo's corpse dropped in front of her. She looked at Gabe, who had drawn a revolver and taken the shot. She peered down through the lingering smoke at Arvo's motionless body, a clean hole in the side of his temple.

"You're welcome," Gabe said.

Clem glanced at Louis, who appeared to be in as much shock as she was. "What th-" he murmured.

"Holy hell," Ruby squeaked.

"Um...thanks?" Clem said, utterly confused yet relieved. "Where did you learn that?" she asked.

Gabe smirked. "Javi taught me how to quick draw with deadly accuracy," he answered with a swagger that made her tingle (wink wink).

She would've never guessed he would have grown up to be so...confident. "Wow. That's kinda hot," she thought.

"Well, I guess I owe you thanks," Louis said, shaking Gabe's hand. "So, thank you."

"No problem. I never liked that guy, always rubbed me the wrong way," Gabe replied.

Clem hugged Louis. "Wow, that was really close. I thought- I thought you were done for," she whimpered.

"Guess it's not my day," he chuckled. She felt his soft lips on her cheek, her fear removed almost instantly by his warm touch.

Clem felt A.J. join their hug. "That was scary," he said, his voice muffled by their clothes.

"Yeah, it was. But we're all good now. Louis? Take Willy and get rid of... that," she said, nodding to Arvo's body.

Louis nodded, and he and Willy hauled the body away. Clem turned back to Gabe. "I'm sorry it went like that. You had to shoot one of your people."

"Yeah," Aasim agreed. "That...fuck. That has to suck."

"Honestly. I was hoping he'd be like, eaten or some shit," Gabe laughed. "I only took him because he was running the same direction we all were when we were escaping. I never liked him in Richmond."

"Even still. People are dying enough from Walkers as it is," she said. "But, thank you."

Everyone stood silent until Louis and Willy returned. "Body's burning in the pit," Louis said, breaking the silence.

Clem nodded. "Gabe," she began. "Do you still want to join us for that card game?"

"Well..." he started.

"Come on, bro. Let's deal ya in, game's Twenty-One. Know how to play?" Louis asked.

"Uh, sure. I guess I can hang around for a bit. But not long, I need to get back to my group. Let them know what went down," Gabe answered.

Everyone took their seat, Gabe directly across from Clem. "Heh," he chuckled. "Remember when I taught you Euchre, Clem?"

Clem nodded, and Ruby chimed in. "So, Gabe. Tell us a little about yourself."

They chatted and played for an hour or so before Gabe stood up. "All right, it was nice meeting you all, but I need to get back."

"Maybe some of us should help you back. It is late. Clem, want me and Willy to help him back?" Ruby offered.

"No, really. I can make my way back. I'll be all right," Gabe responded.

Clem looked through the gate. "I think someone should go with you, Gabe. Just in case. You don't know the area all that well, and we do. Just to be safe," she pressed.

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