Episode Six: "Rekindling"

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Clementine nudged Louis. "Come on, Lou! Stop makin' fun of my stump, you loser."

Everyone laughed in unison. Two weeks had passed since Javi and the remaining Richmond survivors moved on. Clem was glad that Gabe was beginning to adjust to the group. He was proving himself to be a valuable member, helping pick up the slack caused by her injury.

They were all finishing dinner. Louis and Omar gathered the bowls and took them into the Admin building. As they were walking away, Clem looked at Gabe, seated directly across from her.

"Gabe? I know it wasn't easy to see Javi leave right after finding out he was alive. But I'm really glad you decided to stay. Over the last couple of weeks, you've been a huge help, and I just wanted to say thank you. I- we're all happy you're here. I just want you to know that," she said with a smile.

Gabe nodded. "Thanks for opening up your home to me. I just wasn't ready to travel after..." He looked at Maiya's grave. He turned back to Clem. "I'm very grateful."

Violet stood up. "Welp. I'm exhausted. I'm gonna head to bed. See you all in the morning," she said as she waved goodnight.

"I think I'm gonna go, too," Willy said, following Violet to the dorms, leaving Clem, Gabe, and A.J. alone at the table. They sat in awkward silence until Louis rejoined them.

"Omar's off to bed, and I would guess that's where Vi and Willy are, too," he said, taking a seat next to Clem. "Hey A.J.? Why don't you go grab that thing we've been working on?" he said with a wink.

"Oh, yeah!" A.J. yelled, bolting towards the Admin building.

Clem rolled her eyes. "Oh, lord. What have you two been up to? Should I be concerned?" she giggled.

"Ye of little faith! Just wait," Louis said.

A.J. reappeared a few seconds later, holding a strange looking object. It almost resembled a foot. "Here! Clem, look! It's a pro- prosth..."

"Prosthetic. At least the best we can do, considering," Louis finished.

Clem was in shock and awe. "How in the hell did you manage to build me a foot?" she screamed. A.J. set it down behind her.

"Remember that book A.J. found? We used it to get an idea of how to put one together, and, well, here it is," Louis replied.

She turned around and examined it. "How do I, ya know... put it on?"

Louis laughed and knelt down beside her. "Here, like this. See these straps? They wrap around and interlock, so it doesn't fall when you pick your leg up to step." He wrapped the straps around her leg. "There. Now, try it out. Your leg should be healed enough to at least test the support," he said, helping her to her feet.

Clem took a deep breath and slowly put weight on the injured leg. She expected her leg to keep falling towards the ground, but the prosthetic held up. "Wow! It actually works!" She took a couple of slow steps, Louis helping her along. "It's a little strange. It'll take some getting used to, but I think it's going to work great! Thank you, Louis!" she said, embracing him. She turned to A.J. "And thank you, Goofball!"

She hugged him before turning back to Louis. "Hey, come here," she said seductively. She put her left hand on his shoulder and pulled him in for a kiss. "Stop by my room later, okay?" she whispered in his ear. She looked at his flushed cheeks and bit the corner of her lip before smiling.

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