Episode Nine: "What Comes After Lightning?"

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"Haven't seen anything yet? What do you mean?" Louis demanded. 

Violet lowered her head. "Louis, do you remember when I would disappear and Marlon would always try to figure out where I'd go? Well, after we thought Minnie and Sophie were dead, I was out alone. I was sitting by a tree, thinking about losing Minnie, when this girl approached me. Izzy. She was really nice and quite pretty. We met for a while before we got...really close. She eventually introduced me to her group. They called themselves 'Clan of Thunder,' or just 'Thunder' for short. At the time, there were like, eight of them. They would hit other groups and leave a lightning bolt as a warning to anyone who stumbled across the aftermath. Izzy promised they would never attack us...until we broke up. They were moving north, but she vowed to return and make me regret breaking her heart. I think they're back..."

"Damn," Louis murmured. "That's fucked."

Clementine put her hand on Violet's shoulder. "Vi, it's going to be all right. I promise. We've defended ourselves before. I think we'll be fine," she said, trying to be comforting. 

Violet pushed her arm off. "You really have no idea. These people, they don't stop to ask questions. They aren't trying to 'recruit' soldiers like Lilly was. They just kill everything and everyone. No questions. They're savages. We don't stand a chance."

"Excuse me, but we could help," Elias chimed. "I was trained in combat and strategy by an ex-S.A.S. member. Just for preparation, of course. If you'd like."

Clem put her hands on her hips and scowled. "No offense, Elias. But we just met you and your brother like, ten minutes ago. You'll get some water and food and be back on the road."

Elias nodded. "Okay, I understand. Just thought I'd offer," he replied. 

"So, what do we do? We have no idea where they are. Elias, how far was your camp from here?" Louis asked. 

"Maybe a day's walk? Not far."

"Shit," Louis whispered. "Clem, that means they're close." He turned to Violet. "And if she's right about these people, they may be knocking at our gate sooner rather than later. If they even knock at all..."

Clem looked at the old gate. "You're right. Everyone stay on your toes. If you have lookout duty, don't slack. Stay sharp. Louis, Violet, Elias and Creighton, come with me. You too, A.J." 

"Keep an eye on Elias," Clem whispered to Louis. "We can't trust him too quickly."

"Right," Louis agreed. 

The group took at seat at one of the picnic tables. Clem pulled out her map of the surrounding area. "Elias, look at this map. Do any of these landmarks look recognizable?"

Elias peered over the map for a minute. "Yeah, we crossed the river when we were looking for help. So we came from the southwest of the school. We passed that train station, too."

"Okay, so we know they'll be somewhere beyond or in this area," Clem said as she pointed to the map. 

"Okay, so what do we do?" Violet asked. 

"We don't do anything yet. We can't be sure they even know where the school is. They may just pass through," Clem said sternly. 

"At least I never showed Izzy the school..." Violet murmured, trailing off. 

"Okay, so it's settled. We just go about our business. But anyone who goes out needs to be on high alert. Louis, go let the others know to be extra careful if they leave the school. At least until we're sure the group has passed," Clem said. 

Louis nodded in agreeance. Clem looked at Elias. "So, you said you would work for your meal, huh? Well good, because we need meat for tonight's meal. A.J., go get Elias a bow, he can go out and hunt."

Elias shook his head. "Yes, ma'am, I can. I'm no slouch. What about Creighton?"

"Take him with you. We aren't babysitters. He's made it this far, you guys will be fine. Just be careful."

"Aye aye, captain," Elias joked, giving a salute and a wink. "Come on Creighton," he finished, taking the bow from A.J. "I saw where the main hunting is done on the map. I may venture past the boundary, see what I can find. You can count on me, Clem." 

As Elias and Creighton left the courtyard, Clem turned to A.J. "So, what do you think of him?" she asked. 

"I don't know. I mean, he seems okay, but you can't trust people too soon. It'll get you burned."

"That's right. But he does seem nice. Depending on how he does with hunting, I may see how long he wants to stay. We could use some muscle around here. Louis is sweet, but he's pretty...scrawny," Clem giggled. 

"Hey! I heard that!"

Clem turned to see Louis laughing behind her. They hugged, sneaking in a kiss as they pulled away. 

The day slowly crept by. Clem managed to find some scissors, and had Violet give her a haircut. "Wow, Vi! You have talent, if that's what you'd call it!" she laughed. 

"Haha, thanks, I guess," Violet chuckled.

A.J. burst into the room. "Guys! Come quick! It's Elias. Something's happened to Creighton..."

Episode Ten: "In Darkness Death Resides" coming Sunday, June 2nd. 


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