Episode Ten: "In Darkness Death Resides"

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"Oh no."

Clem, accompanied by Violet, hobbled over to the picnic tables, where the others had gathered around. She saw Elias' sadness-stricken face, gazing at Creighton's lifeless body.

"It was like they had no mercy!" he yelled. "I left Creighton in a safe spot. He should have been okay! But those fucking savages killed him! I was only gone for a few minutes tops... and when I got back, he was dead. And it was that fucking Thunder group!"

"Well, we can't be sure it's them, can we?" Omar asked.

Elias rolled Creighton's corpse over and pulled his shirt up, revealing a gruesome lightning bolt carved in his back, covered in fresh blood.

"There's your proof," Elias said coldly. "I shouldn't have left him... I just thought he'd be safe. This is all my fault."

"No, it's not," Clem began, putting her hand on his left shoulder. "This is no one's fault but that group. How far from the school were you?" she asked.

"We were a good ways away. But still, they're closer than we thought."

"Damn. But we can worry about that later," Louis said. "Right now we should focus on a burial for Creighton."

Elias nodded. "Yes, please. I'd like that, for him to be laid to rest. I'll do whatever I need to help."

Louis, Willy, and Elias left to begin the preparations, while Omar covered Creighton's body with an old sheet.

"No need to keep seeing this..." he whispered. "I'm going to get started on dinner... with no meat."

Elias came running from the graveyard. "Oh I forgot! I was carrying a few rabbits I killed, they're right outside the gate," he said as he passed. He retrieved the three adult rabbits and handed them to Omar.

"Wow! That's awesome, Elias! Good work," Clem said with a smile.

Elias nodded before heading towards the graveyard. Clem watched him until he was no longer visible. "Vi, what do you think about him?"

"He seems nice enough. It's kinda weird how his people have been attacked twice now by Thunder and he's survived... but maybe it's just good (or bad) luck?"

"So you'd be okay if he stayed?"

"Yeah, were you thinking about asking him? I mean, we just met him this morning."

"I know, but he seems trustworthy. He's respectful and a hard worker. Plus he's been trained, he'd be a great asset."

"You're right. I'd talk to everyone else before you offer though. Just to be respectful."

Clem looked at A.J. "What do you think, A.J.? Should we let Elias stay?"

A.J. shrugged. "I guess so, he seems fine to me. And he's a good hunter."

"Okay, I'm going to go ask the others what they think," Clem replied. She received Omar and Willy's blessing before approaching Louis.

"Hey, Lou? Can I ask you something? In private."

"Yeah, sure thing. Be right back, guys."

They walked around the corner, out of earshot. Clem gazed up at Louis, his eyes like open doors to his kindhearted soul.

"What do you think about us letting Elias stay? He works hard, he's skilled. He'd be a great help," she asked.

Louis thought for a minute before answering. "If you think it's a good idea, go for it. I trust your judgement. What does everyone else say?"

"They're all on board."

"Then make the offer at dinner. I'm sure he'll be grateful." He kissed her cheek. "I gotta get back to helping with the grave. See ya, darling." He shuffled away, leaving Clem alone.

It was soon time for dinner. The guys had finished digging Creighton's grave, the burial set to take place after dinner. Everyone took their seats while Omar handed out the meals.

"And thanks to Elias, we have some fresh meat! We had left overs, perfect for me to test out my new meat smoker I built!" he said, getting "oohs" from everyone.

"Just doing my job, I guess," Elias mumbled.

Clem looked down at her bowl, took a bite, then looked at Louis. He nodded and smiled, giving her the go-ahead to make the offer. "Hey, Elias?"

Elias looked up from his bowl. "Yes, ma'am?"

"So we've been thinking. How would you like to join our group? Like, permanently. We think you'd be a great help," she asked.

Elias sat still for a while. Clem began to worry he'd turn her offer down. Everyone was silent when he finally spoke up.

"If everyone's okay with it, so am I."

Everyone nodded their approval.

"Then yes, I will stay. Thank you, all. I don't know how long I'd handle being alone out there... Creighton was all I had left..." He began to tear up. "I'm sorry. I'm just going to miss him."

"We're glad to have you. For what it's worth, we're all very sorry for what happened," Clem said, sadness and relief mixed into one.

"You wouldn't happen to have medical knowledge, would ya?" Louis chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.

Elias smiled. "Yes, I do. My mentor, being ex-British Special Forces, was very skilled. He taught me a lot about natural medicines and remedies, as well as things as extreme as amputations. I see you've been through that yourself, Clem."

"Yep. A.J. saved my life." She continued to detail that hectic day. "And that's how I got this nice... thing," she finished.

"Woah. I hope you don't mind me saying you're a fucking badass," Elias complimented.

Clem blushed. "I wouldn't be here without these knuckleheads. This school was a Godsend."

They finished dinner and proceeded to Creighton's burial. Elias gave a long eulogy after the body had been covered.

"I love you, buddy. I'll never forget you. Say hi to mom and dad for me."

Everyone split for the night. Elias had been assigned to sleep in the open bunk in Louis' room.

Clem and A.J. laid down for the night. Clem was dreaming of Lee again when she was awakened by a horrendous shriek.

"Clem, what was that?!" A.J. asked alarmingly.

"I'm not sure. Stay here, lock the door behind me," she commanded, leaving the room.

The noise had woken Louis and Elias as well. They were standing outside her door.

"Guess you heard that, too," Louis said.

"Yeah, that sounded like Violet... wait, what's that?"

Clem pointed to a trail of blood on the floor. She looked at Louis, a look of cold fear on his face.

"Clem, that's a lot of blood... too much for whoever it's from to be alive..." he whispered.

She nodded for them to follow her. The trio crept down the hall and out to the courtyard. All of their jaws dropped when their eyes scanned the horrific sight before them.

"Oh, God."

Episode Eleven "Trigger" coming soon


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