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"Welcome everyone," A shyly smiling Sky says as she opens the front door to greet our group

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"Welcome everyone," A shyly smiling Sky says as she opens the front door to greet our group. We were told not to bring anything as the party is catered, so we stand there empty-handed as we all walk inside. I gape at how beautiful Sky is in person. Her hair is lighter than mine but naturally straight and much longer, especially with the lift my curls give mine. The differences between us are much more noticeable than the similarities, I'm sure.

And I thought the front of the house was nice. I think to myself as we shuffle through the front door into the entryway. Off to each side are multiple sitting rooms not separated by walls, with antique-looking Victorian furniture and decor, looking like the rooms hadn't been touched by anything but a feather duster in years. There is no way an ass has ever touched those cushions.

The ceilings stretch above us at least twenty feet and the second floor is visible by way of a balcony of sorts. I see the stairs wind up ahead of us. Sky leads us down the hall and through a set of large wooden doors, past the spacious kitchen, and onto the deck that faces the wide-open backyard.

Grass stretches on, surrounding what looks like an Olympic sized pool and a regulation-sized beach volleyball court. As if it couldn't get better, the whole thing backs onto a private beach. My eyes practically fall out of my head at the lavishness of it all. A fountain sits in the middle of the stone patio big enough to fit at least one-hundred guests, but many people mill about on the grass as well.

We're all dressed casually, although some guests are wearing cocktail dresses and day suits. Sky doesn't seem to mind at all; she herself is wearing a pair of blue basketball shorts and a long-sleeved grey fitness shirt, making me feel much more comfortable in my tank top and skirt.

"I'm glad you all could come. We want Lexi to feel at home here for as long as she stays with us," Sky smiles genuinely at Lexi and it makes me smile at the kindness. A semi-familiar face pops up beside Sky whom I recognize to be her brother Atlas.

The red-head grins at our group, welcoming us as well. "I was thinking of starting a game of volleyball if you all were interested. We can play with one team short a man, or woman," He shrugs and looks at all of us.

"I'll gladly sit out," I say, drawing the attention of everyone but they don't seem too bothered. I often don't like to be out in the sun and they know this, used to my antics.

"Hey, you okay?" Lexi asks as everyone follows Atlas to the volleyball court and I look around nervously, but I shrug it off. "I'm serious. Something is going on with you. You seem...anxious." She says quietly, and I try to avoid eye contact, knowing that her knowledge of my behavior is too profound to ignore the look in my eyes at the moment.

"I'm just gonna—" I say and gesture in the direction of the patio with my thumb. Lexi glares at me but decides to leave it and follows the rest of the group to the court as they call for her. I make eye contact with Reece briefly but dart my eyes away quickly, moving to sit beneath an umbrella attached to a table near the pool.

I'm sitting out because it's hot and sunny. And I don't play volleyball.

Not because I'm anxious. Except that I am.

I'm anxious. Not even just for one reason. I'm anxious because there will be people from my past here tonight. I'm anxious because Lexi is anxious that it won't go perfectly. And I'm anxious because I almost melted when I saw Reece in a tux for the first time ever, and I have no idea what that means.

For almost two years, Reece and I have been as close as we thought possible until we moved in together and literally became closer. But it's hard to ignore the way he looks at me sometimes. Like I'm the only thing that he sees. That I'm the only thing worth seeing.

Because I know that I'm starting to look at him the same way.

It's the little things that make me contemplate everything. The way that he remembers my favorite foods. The way that he never forgets to hold a door open for me, even when his mind is somewhere else, because it's just a part of who he is. The way his soft hair feels when he's laying with his head in my lap, with his long legs curled up on the couch while we watch a movie that I want to watch because he couldn't care less what movie plays on the screen, as long as it will make me happy. Everything that boy does, he does to make me happy.

I shake my head to rid myself of these thoughts. Even if Reece felt this pull as well, I don't even know how I feel and my uncertainty would just be the thing to ruin us. What if it passes? I refuse to hurt my best friend over a small misunderstanding.

What am I even contemplating here? Dating Reece? I can't think of one person who is more boyfriend material than my best friend, and I can't think of one person who is as far from girlfriend material as I am.

I'm a self-destructive chaos causer and I would ruin him. I don't deserve him. That boy is too good for this world and it shows in everything that he does. I just have to hope that being friends with him doesn't cause him the pain I so desperately want to prevent him from feeling. 


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