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I blow out a deep breath

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I blow out a deep breath. I'm surprised that I didn't lie when Reece asked me about my sexual drought. Fully prepared to lie, I opened my mouth but I just couldn't. Not to him.

"Have you ever faked an orgasm?" He asks.

"No. Got any kinks?"

"None that I've tried out." This one surprised me and I smirk at his honest, but vague answer. "What color underwear are you wearing?"

"What color do you think?"

"Red." We both answer at exactly the same time and laugh together. Even after the tense question from earlier, Reece and I have managed to make this game fun and silly. I'm learning a lot about Reece that I've never known before now. Questions like these have always felt off-limits. Until now.

"What color underwear are you wearing?" I cheekily ask Reece and he rolls his eyes lightheartedly. He opens his mouth to answer but shuts it quickly.

I tilt my head, confused for a moment before my eyes widen on their own accord. My teeth capture my bottom lip and I attempt to stifle an immature giggle when I realize that Reece isn't wearing any underwear.

Biting my lips harder, I can't help but trail my eyes downwards without permission from my brain. Now that I know, it's impossible not to notice Reece's shorts, and how they strain against the size of him. Either he's just really big, or he has a hard-on right now. Possibly both. I look out the window and try to cool my red cheeks without Reece noticing. Thank god he's driving.

"What are your biggest turn-ons?" Reece asks me and it does nothing to calm my redness, so I decide to ignore it until it goes away. I think about what I like, and my mind drifts to memories of Reece, of all people. He really is the only guy I spend a lot of time with, besides Maddox, Chase, and Luke, and although they're all hot, I'd rather fuck a cactus than any of those meatheads.

Okay, they're not that dumb but still. No thank you.

"Big hands. Veiny arms. Intelligence. Sitting on your lap. A hand on my thigh. There's probably more that I have yet to discover or just can't remember..." I say slightly nervously. I'm usually completely confident, but now that Reece knows so much, I feel like an open book, my pages completely vulnerable.

Reece takes a while to respond and when I turn to look at him, his knuckles are white against the steering wheel, and his jaw is clenched tightly. I ignore it and try to think of another question to ask when my eyes catch on his shorts once again. I need to get laid, one glance at my best friend's shorts and I'm practically panting.

"Did you say sitting on my lap?" He asks with a smirk and I close my eyes, trying not to laugh miserably.

"I thought of my question." I tease, changing the subject. When he gives me his attention and waits for me to continue, I do. "Are you hard right now?" I try to hide my cheeky grin. I'm just so curious. Of the two years that we've been friends, I haven't really paid much attention to things like that. Female and male friendships can be difficult, but we've done a good job of navigating all the awkward stuff in my opinion. But I just have to know. For research purposes.

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