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My mind is blank as I sit here against the wall while Faye's father's wedding reception goes on around me

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My mind is blank as I sit here against the wall while Faye's father's wedding reception goes on around me. My world feels like it's falling apart and not one person has any idea. I can't even tell if Faye and Elijah are still here anymore. They could have left together for all I care. I'm numb.

My only goal at the moment is to somehow find a way to leave this place without alerting anyone's attention. But Faye and I came together. No matter what she said, I still can't just leave her here. I need to confront her. But first, I need a drink.

I walk to the bar, feeling heavy on my feet already and I don't even make it into a chair before I'm pulled away. Looking down at the hand on my arm, I trail my eyes up to see Faye, pulling me back towards the lobby. "You forgot the water," I grumble as I sit down on a plush couch. Faye looks at me confusedly before realization passes over her face. She looks guilty. It makes me angry.

"I'm so sorry, I must have forgotten..." She trails off, obviously trying to come up with a plausible lie and I glare at her. She must notice because she says "Reece? Are you alright?"

I roll my eyes, looking away from her, which I'm sure she isn't used to because my eyes have been glued to her for the past year. Faye moves to stand directly in front of me, in my line of sight and I look up at her. Just seeing her beautiful face hurts now and I feel my eyes start to burn. I look away before she can see, but her small hands grab my chin and hold it firmly so that she can look at me.

Her face is confused and shocked, and I don't blame her. How could she know that I overheard her conversation? She looks for an explanation, but I don't want to open my mouth in fear that my voice will crack. "Reece. Why are you upset?" She demands to know. "What happened?" She says, almost angrily, as if she's about to hurt whoever hurt me.

"Ask Elijah," I say bitterly, regretting the words. My need for confrontation on what I heard consumes me and makes it so I can't think straight and ask the questions that need to be asked.

That's all I need to say for her skin to turn pale and her protective expression to morph into one of surprise, guilt, and...pity? Faye doesn't break eye contact with me, and I feel a tear run down my cheek for the second time tonight. Faye uses her thumb to wipe it away and she tries to hug me but I hold her at arm's length.


"What did you hear?" She asks nervously, wringing her hands together.

"Everything, I think," I say and she hangs her head.

"That isn't how I wanted you to find out. Reece, I am so sorry. I should have told you. It was so, so stupid. I'll tell you everything right now." She rushes out and I simply nod.

"Eli and I, well...He's the guy I told you about. The only guy that I...Well, you know that part already. Lexi doesn't know, no one does." She says and my eyebrows shoot up. I feel angry not only on behalf of myself but also Lexi now. How could Faye not tell her?

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