Contest #2 Results

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Thank you guys for entering the "court of flowers" haiku contest. It was hard to judge these haiku. All of them were lovely and enthralling. You guys did a great job!

Congratulations to the winners! They are:

3rd Place - Blond14

The smell of flowers
Sweet, syrupy, fills the air
Bees sipping honey

About: Blond14 has been writing since she was three years old and she would like to be an author. Please check out more of her beautiful poetry in her collection: Reality in Poems.

2nd Place - TheMasterAssassin101

In the court of gardens,
I wear my crown of flowers,
cherry blossoms fly.

About: N.o.v.a is fifteen years old and she started writing poetry four years ago. Please check more of her vibrant, imaginative poetry in her collection: Neptune.

1st Place - By lillianbrae -

Rock rock back and forth
She eyes the garden and rose
Peace when beauty dies

About: Lillian is a young poet and writer. Please check out her other amazing works in her collections: Heart Beating, Poems of Life (2018), Light Up The Sky, and Shadows of Summer.

Now that you guys have competed in our haiku contest, here are some more haiku contests that you might want to participate in:

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