Contest #5 [CLOSED]

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This contest begins on May 21st (12:13 AM, Tuesday night) and ends on June 2nd (12:00 AM, Sunday night).  

The prompt for our fourth poetry contest is "love." 


- The word "love" doesn't have to be in the poem. "Love" doesn't even have to be a major theme in the poem. It simply needs to have inspired something that you write.

- If you've already written a poem that involves "love" in some way, then you can enter it.

- READ the contest "Rules and Prizes" chapter before entering your poem(s). 

- We try to comment on all entries, confirming that they have been accepted, but even if your poem wasn't commented on, it is still being judged in the contest, so don't worry about being accepted/rejected from the contest. We read all entries thoroughly. 

You might be wondering how we have judged poems in the past. Here are some of the main elements that we look at:

Imagery - This is any of the five senses or all of them. We especially enjoy when poems convey the senses in a fresh way. 

Diction - These are the words that you choose. They don't need to be elaborate or fancy unless elaborate/fancy words are the best words for your poem. Before you enter your poem, think about the words that you've decided to use. Are there any stronger words for the purpose of your poem?

Uniqueness - We love poems that are unique. While cliches aren't always an issue, it can be easy to fall back on ideas and images that you've heard others use. if you find yourself doing this, try changing something about the cliche and making it yours.

Strength/Emotion - We like poems that make us feel/experience something. This doesn't mean that you need to write a tragedy to win the contest; in fact, some poems can convey emotions without directly explaining what the reader should be feeling. 

New Winner - People's Favorite:

We will be announcing "People's Favorite." In order to do this, we need for you guys to vote on your favorite poem(s) entered in the contest.

This doesn't mean that we won't be judging poems and selecting 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners ourselves. This simply means that there will be another title to compete for. 

Poems sent through PM will not be eligible unless you tell people that you're entering the poem and they decide to vote on it. In that case, they will need to PM their vote or comment the user and title of the poem that they are voting for.

When you are voting, be very clear and state "I am voting for [poem] by [user]." Each person can only vote twice, and you aren't allowed to vote for your own poem.

New Poetry Club: If you haven't already seen it, we've started a poetry club. Every week, members are assigned partners. Partners share comments/critiques on each other's poems.

Contest Opportunities: harolocke3 and Miraculous096 are both running poetry contests on their accounts, and we're sure that they would greatly appreciate any and all entries, so please take some time to write some poetry and see if it wins!

Have fun writing, and if you have any questions, we'd love to answer them!

Celestial Blood Poetry Contests [CLOSED]Where stories live. Discover now