Contest #6 Results

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These are the results for the sixth contest with the prompt "pollution." Thank you all so much for competing. This contest wouldn't be the same without you. Congratulations to everyone who won. Here are the results:

1st Place - "The Trees Here" by some_anonymous_poet

the trees here are poisoned

the trees here are sick

can't you see them weeping?

there's the blood they cry, so thick

the trees here are poisoned

the trees here once thrived

in this place of luscious wonder

now, they've barely survived

the trees here are poisoned

the trees here will fall

their roots are weak and trembling

but they can await no siren's call

the trees here are poisoned

but the trees here can't die

the role they serve is vital

here, they're holding up the sky

2nd Place - "Smoke Break" by Alvin767

The sun is lighting up the living day;

The sky is calling me to skip and play!

All nature speaks of life and purity;

The boughs are pink upon the cherry trees!

Across the street a boy and man have fun,

Are laughing, racing with the lilting sun!

"Oh Papa, please, may we get up and run?"

"No, kid. You can see I'm smokin' son!"

3rd Place - DovefeatherMistClan

Bright white,

Clean as can be,

It can only be a masterpiece,

Painted by an artist

With brush so thin.

Ethereal, light

So very delicate,

The touch of a leaf

Could ruin it.

Years pass,

Innocence stays the same.

"Is this heaven?"

They say.

People like to touch


So it will be imperfect.

Fingerprints were left upon

An innocent soul.

A clean sheet,

Washed in mud,

This makes hell,

Dark and cold

A polluted mind,

A toxic soul,

Who knew one could be so cruel?

To this day,

The soul remains.

Blood pulses through,

Once pure-white veins.

Lack of trust,

Suffocates anyone,

This haunted soul shows no mercy,

And those who wander in,

Never come out.

People's Favorite - "Darkness of a Soul" by Myrrh_aa

Darkness envelopes the skies,

Light is fading fast.

Silence is heard,

Forever's end is near.

Its spindly arms loomed by

Grabbing anyone in its path.

The shadows is where it dwells,

Bones cracking beneath its feet.

Rain pours down a billionth time

With freezing cold hail and snow

But it can never wash out

The melancholy felt in this dark place.

Distant calls can be heard at times

But the dark entity closes its doors shut.

The voices are gone, everything's quiet.

An eternity of nothingness is waiting. 

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