Contest #7 Results

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Thank you to everyone who entered the "Wild" and "Wispy" contest! You guys wrote some absolutely beautiful poems, and we can't praise you enough! Here are the winners for the 7th contest:

1st Place - "The Albino Tiger" by illusionboy

reflections in the mirror are

tin foil sheets of leftover warmth,

the arrogant glint of white light on a knife,

lavish jewels worth more than pearls

and distorting, roaring river water,

white and hissing:

the albino tiger.

[the tears of the albino tiger

are an unabating flow of the burden

of staying alive

the albino tiger is

a silver-bleeding zebra

in disguise]

reflections in the white tiger river

crash through rock worn smooth

by the water's meticulous chisel

and bring us back to diamond earrings

and crystal chandeliers

when you were still here;

my albino tiger.

2nd Place - Spitfire1016

You said I had

Thunderbolt fingertips -

A little hurricane heart,

Waiting to be spun to pieces.

Lighting in a bottle





Of a river with a broken bank.

Who cares if I crack -

Wreak havoc on the calm,

Create a tidal wave or rip current to pull you so far out to sea that I can't see you anymore.

And wait for you to come

Floating home,

To fall asleep on my shoulder,

To feel feather light fingers,

And hear the tick of a butterfly heartbeat through my shirt.

Because why burn us up when we're only just beginning.

You called me:

Wild to the bone,


Gentle to my core.

3rd Place - "Beast of Fire and Storm" by some_anonymous_poet

there comes that crack of thunder

after the sky is cleaved in two

by a white-hot spear

of searing light

could remake this world anew

its roar that of a beast awoken

and starving in its rage

a being which has not belonged—

neither here nor anywhere

with its heart a

caged and ancient star

wrapped in that fiery, furious light

dare to bring down the wrath

of an immortalized midnight

People's Favorite - "Let Go" by TheMasterAssassin101

Wispy milk billows over crater encrusted freckles.

Universes hide inside cloudy marbles

that roll on hardwood floors.

Pens stain weary papers with their rapids of ink.

Hands link together and noses touch like Armstrong's first step on the moon.

But there are no currents running through their veins,

there is no spark when their budding lips

bloom into each other or

when their sparkling eyes meet

but they don't see the thousands of stars buried inside.

They've learned to use each other,

to steal each other away from a

good life.

They've learned to ride motorcycles at dawn and tangle their fingertips in their hair or to leave darkened marks on each other's collarbones.

All they've ever known was loving each other and not caring for what the world had to say.

They had each other and for them, that was enough.

But they were slowly losing their sanity as all they did was sneak away to secret

hideouts and place forgotten kisses on each other's skin.

They were losing themselves without knowing.

They were never meant to meet

because they tear themselves apart

when they come home alone and realize

what they've done.

And that's a good lesson to learn in life.

Let go.

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