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{ The amazing cover was done by brave_heart_324}

Song: ( Alan Walker& Sabrina Carpenter,farruko - On my way)

"Christel! Christel! Wait up!" I could barely make out my sisters voice as I kept racing towards the dark woods. I pushed my legs, harder trying to get far away from her. I need to win! I kept chanting in my brain as I turned slightly.

I could see her, half a mile from where I was. A gigantic grin burst through my lips as she nearly tumbles down into the dirt. Halting, I stare at her as she heaved faster, her chest rising unsteadily. I could barely feel it. She is a werewolf for goodness sake. She shouldn't feel it.

"Natalie! You're a werewolf! You shouldn't feel it, girl." I taunt, my hand placed on my hip as I tapped my foot impatiently against the rocky ground.

"Yeah yeah whatever. It's not like I'm the best runner in our pack." She mutters, sarcasm dripping heavily from her voice, as she continues to pull in some much needed oxygen.

"Whatever." I manage to answer, "Come on, they are nearly out!" I yell, grabbing her wrist, dragging her with me towards the destination. A loud groan leaves her lips as she mumbles some words under her breath. She hated running while I adored it.

Hurrying towards our usual spot, I slumped down on the grass and look up. My breath sticks in my throat as I stare at the beautiful sight before my eyes. Memories flood my mind as I stare up. They look so beautiful. It's then I promise myself, for the hundredth time since I discovered this place, that I would love fireflies for the rest of my life.

"Wow." I barely hear Natalie say, a voice deep from all the emotion the little creatures display could evoke. Sighing in content, I watch the tiny insects as they glowed in the dark, creating an angelic peace that makes me sigh once again. They are indeed magical.

For the past two years, this has been my spot. A place that relives me of pain. If only those creatures knew how they mean to me. How much ...love they add my life, they'd appear everyday.

Thinking back home, I can't help but cringe as thoughts of my mother comes rushing back to my mind. I've endured so much from her. From insults to taunting, to mock and bullying. I have grown up with all those shit and honestly, it gets tiring.

Shaking my head, I breath out my horrible memories and focus on my current situation. I didn't come here for me depression, rather to enjoy the little peace I get from all the insects and nature I get out here.

"Aren't they pretty?" I find myself questioning my sister, who sat beside me, her mouth slightly parted as she too awed at the pretty little insects.

"Yeah," she says almost dreamily and I smirk at her expression, shaking my head in disbelief. Of course she would stare! That's just her.


I don't know how much time has passed but my eyes haven't drifted off from the pretty insects, littered across the dark night. A small sigh manages to leave my lips. It's really peaceful here. If you think about it, it kind of feels like star gazing. The way they shimmer in the night kind of reminds me of the stars on a dark cloudless night. How intriguing and wonderful they look.

My sigh must have snapped Natalie out of her trance because at the corner of my eye, I manage to see hers widen in what I assume as horror. Scrambling to stand up, she grabs her flip-flops quickly before putting them out in haste. Raising a brow at her weird behaviour, I ask.

"Where are you going, Nat?" At this her eyes widen and I'm confused.

"Oh, don't worry! I'll be right back!" She assures me before dashing into the bushes.

"You know it's illegal to pee in the woods, right?" I holler at her retreating figure. She flips me off and a chuckle manages to leave my lips. Shaking my head, I sigh for the hundredth time. This is truly beautiful.


The glow of the magical had creatures began to dim as they all started to disappear into the still night. Natalie hasn't come back yet and honestly, I'm starting to get worried. Whre is she? What if she's hurt? Mother is never going to forgive me. I couldn't call out to her because we had been banned from travelling into the woods at night and knowing the alpha, he'd actually punish me more. For some reason, he just didn't like me.

My head snaps left and right trying to find my sisters form. She's tall and hard to miss. Deciding to let all thoughts about her occupy the back of my mind, I stare at random fireflies as they all began to retreat into the depths of the forest.

A sudden snap of a twig, makes me halt on my movements. Knowing that it's probably Natalie, I stand up and crouch down on the grass, grabbing my on flip flops as I speak to her.

"Nat, I've been waiting for so long for you. Where have you been?" I wiggle my toes as I try to fit my flip flops on them. Not getting a response, my head snaps up and my breath hitches in my throat and I swear, I nearly pass out.

A few metres away from me, a gigantic man stood. His muscles strained his black shirt nearly tearing it apart. His eyes, looked totally black and even if it was dark, anyone could notice the evil glint in them. He reeked so bad that I nearly gagged. I blinked rapidly hoping that somehow my mind made the figure up. Opening them again, he's still there and I shudder. I know danger when I see one.

Without waiting to know if he meant well or not- he obviously didn't- I sprint like a possessed woman, my eyes trained on my path as I pushed my feet harder as I tried to get away from him.

Maybe it was after a few minutes or hours that I managed to slow down. My heart beat so hard against my ribcage that I was nearly passing out. I was not a fun of exercise and at this moment, I'm regretting not doing them quite often.

Looking around me, I realize I'm totally and utterly lost. All the trees looked darker and even more scary. My breathing and scrunching of leaves as I walked could be heard in miles. I sigh and my alert form relaxes knowing that I head gotten away from that beast.

My victory is short livedd, when huge muscular arms grabs me from behind, in a tight grasp, almost breaking my bones. I open my mouth to scream but something dump is shoved into my mouth before I could release the earth shattering noise.

Trying to wiggle from their grasp, their hold only gets tighter as they presses another cloth onto my nose. My actions doesn't even faze the guy holding me. He holds the piece of clothing over my nose knowing that eventually I'll need oxygen which doesn't take long. Having no other choice, I'm forced to inhale the chemical in the cloth which is very familiar to me even though my shift hasn't happened, wolfsbane. My weakness. A werewolf's weakness.

Before I can comprehend anything, my mind begins to fade, as the dark spots starts to fill my vision, in sync with the darkness and stillness of the night. My eyes roll back and I welcome the inevitable darkness, the last thought in my fading mind, being my sister hoping she's safe.


Rewritten and edited.

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