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It's been a week and the werewolf council had been informed about everything that had occurred, thank goddess they believed me,they didn't doubt it thinking I made it up or something like that.

They knew that this is a serious matter and, they immediately informed all the alphas who immediately started training.

My pack is more into training than all the other packs,I think. I have also been training using my elements, trying to get better.

The moon goddess said not to underestimate Elgon's abilities, at least the guy doesn't know one elemental survived. That is an advantage on my side.

I headed to the training ground where Damon and the rest of the pack were training, and I gotta admit they are really strong and trained.

Damon had promised to train me too,so I cannot rely on my elements only. I'm not bragging or anything but my elements are really strong.

All the pack's members came to train accept the young pups below thirteen years old.

I had never trained before so it was really complicated, learning how to punch,how to block punches and a bunch of other stuff and by the end of training I was already exhausted.

After training I took a much needed shower, putting in some pajamas and hoping to bed,Damon next to me.

" Damon do you think we will win this war?" I ask him.

I never thought that in my life I would once in my life talk about war. I never knew my fate would be this twisted.

" I don't know babe, but let's just hope that it will all end well even though no war ever ends well." He says as he kisses my forehead.

I really really have a bad feeling about this,even though he is trying to assure me,that feeling is still there.

I rest on his chest as I let sleep consume me blocking everything out, and just concentrate on the two of us, and enjoy the feeling of being with my mate.


I woke up early since Damon had decided that we are taking breakfast with the entire pack since we have no clue when this war will start.I took a shower dressing up just as Damon did the same.

We head to the pack house which was already flooded with pack members, everyone was gloomy just like how the day is. A promise that something is about to happen.

Damon leads me to the head of the table. He pulls the sit for me and I smile slightly before sitting down and he does the same.

Corazon and many cooks brings food to the table where the pack members start eating almost immediately. The pack members chats loudly.

The former king and queen, Maddie and Jake finally show up taking their respective sits.

I smile slightly hoping that this moment would last. Elgon hasn't attacked in a week and I know that he is about to. I feel it in my gut. I wish my life was just staying here and living happily with my pack.

We take breakfast trying to embed this moment in my brain since I don't know how long this peace will last before chaos breaks out.

I had always heard that life isn't perfect but my life is a perfect definition of imperfect.

I mean I've gone from one pain to the other,and when I think I'm about to have some peace, something bad happens.

I eat slowly savouring the taste of bacon which has become my favourite thing in the world.

Suddenly the door burst open disrupting our peaceful breakfast. A bloody looking warrior budges in.

" We are under attack!" He yells loudly causing everyone to lose their appetite and instantly the peaceful atmosphere turns to chaos.

I stand up suddenly overturning my sit, I grab Damon's hand as we race towards the forest where the fight is about to take place.
Warriors are running everywhere while the pregnant women,the pups and the old are being evacuated to the safe house.

Maddie,Jake, Leila,Hunter and Lily follow us as we both run towards the forest.

We all run along as we are joined by many warriors. I come to a complete stop and the sight before me makes my blood run cold. My face pales at the sight before me.

About five hundred rogues,all in human form with a horrible stench that they are obviously emitting.

In front of the large group of rogues are two people wearing dark outfits, making it obvious that they are the actual leaders.

I stare at one of them who seems really familiar,jet black hair,built body and really tall. Finally it clicks.

Oh my goddess that's J-j-jared? Fear starts to bubble up from the pits of my stomach. Just looking at him brings huge amount of fear to course through my veins.

The other guy inhales the air as if he is enjoying it.

" Ah Fear the one emotion that I love." He says as he inhales once again.

I know it's me that he can scent it from. He smiles wickedly at us. Then I recall what she said, he feeds off fear, literally. Elgon.

I look him up and down. He is really tall just about Jared's height. Dark brown hair and brown eyes.

He looks kind of normal except for his unnatural good looks, really unnatural,almost like a god. That's also what makes him stand out.

I try to stable my heartbeat which is beating wildly making a perfect rhythm with the others whose hearts are beating rapidly too.

" Why are you here?" Damon asks using his Alpha King's voice.

" Isn't it obvious with the number of rogues here, or should I spell it out for you?" Elgon says earning alot of growls from the pack.

He just cackles emotionlessly. I used to think that even the most evil guy on Earth always has just alittle remorse or something good but looking at him I'm sure there are bunch of emotionless people out there.

" So how is this battle gonna start,should I yell attack! Or what?" He says with a bored expression.

This earns growls from the pack members and he smirks proudly as he enrages more people.

" Okay instead of making this hard for you because it's quite obvious we are winning this,just surrender and we will make all your deaths swift." Elgon says with a smirk on his face making the rest of his rogue pack snicker others laughing loudly.

" Over my dead body." Damon and most of the pack warriors yell.

" My pleasure." He says before raising his hand creating fogs and darkness . Thick dark clouds form making everything really dark.

The moment the fog covered the forest all the rogues shifted and the warriors did too as they attacked each other.

Damon shifted next to me into his grey and brown gigantic wolf.

' Stay safe please and always rememberI love you.' He mindlinks me. Why do I feel like he said it as if it's a goodbye. I shake my head trying to erase those thoughts. No we will make it,the goddess is with us,she said so.

" I love you too." I say with a tiny smile. He places his snout on my hair inhaling it before dashing into the now fog- filled forest.

The war had began!


This book is almost over..





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