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'You are going to regret this Natalie,' My wolf Fiona growls in pure anger.

'No I won't!Christel is dead,no one will ever find out,'  I respond annoyed at her, she should be grateful for what I did. Why did I get paired with such a softy?

'No, the question is ,why did I get paired with such a human,' She snarls in anger and I roll my eyes. Dramatic much?

'Shut up Fiona, I had to do that for our sake,she didn't deserve this,this is all mine.' I snap back Why am I having this conversation with her again?

'I can't believe you sacrificed our mate for this,you don't deserve even the title, my mate for this, for your selfish desires!" She whimpers in what I presume as pain I did it for us, for me. This is all ours and she should be grateful instead of giving me a migraine.

'No Fiona, everything here is supposed to be mine,that Christel, doesn't deserve anything, nothing at all, anyway she dead.' I speak out with a smirk on my lips

'Remember this, the truth cannot be long hidden, it always comes out no matter how hard you try and when that happens, you'll regret it.'  She growls at me. Yeah whatever, that is never gonna happen...dog.

She growls and blocks me out, stupid dog. Whatever happened to Christel, she deserves it. It should have been me,it is me anyway.

His wolf will never surface until we mate and I'm expecting his pup, it will be too late for him. A smile forms on my lips at the thought.

I'm gonna write history in the werewolf world. They will bow down to me as queen. They will learn the meaning of respect, they will learn that I should never be disrespected. Just the thought of that bitch Leila makes me so mad. How could she say that about me, in front of Damon, of all people. It took alot in me to apologize and cry and make him believed me. How gullible. Is he even the Alpha King?

She and the rest of her family will learn to respect, I may just exclude Damon, after all it's through him I'm here.

'You disgust me human,why was I paired with you.' Fiona voice sounds again in my head and I roll my eyes in anger.

'The moment you are crowned, announced queen, I will leave you, I can't stay knowing the lived your going to destroy, you will be human because, without me, you're nothing.'  She states before disappearing.

Whatever I'll be queen. I will have everything I want. Jared will be on my side, after promising him he'll be part of my kingdom, access to all silver and wolfsbane, he was more than willing to help. Some of the warriors are already joining me. Good I might spare them when I become queen...or not.

Even though he is a powerful wolf, he makes huge mistakes  that sometimes can have great repucations. I told him to kill Christel and the next thing my mom is calling me telling me she arrived home, bless her for taking care of it, permanently.

I always knew she had it in her, she killed her for me. When Damon told me that Jared had been found,I panicked and he almost found out, I won't be reckless anymore but that doesn't mean I can't instill fear in see of the members for them to get a glimpse of what lies ahead.

Everyone will know who I am, they will submit to me.
I never knew how much I hated Christel until this particular moment. I know I had pretended all my life but now I realize I completely hated her.

It was all supposed to be mine I remember that day vividly where my anger towards her grew ten folds but I couldn't show her anything, I pretended everything was fine and that actually paid off pretty well, my mind always goes back to that fateful day, the day I changed everything in my life.That fateful day five years ago.

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