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♣Memories - Maroon 5♣

Damon's POV.

Natalie's coronation was getting closer and at that my mind was more unsettled. Something bad is going to happen, I can feel it.

Natalie is usually is still acting weird stressing me out even more. The bond, our bond should be stronger but its just like the first time I met her, I think its even weaker, confusing me even more.

I head downstairs for breakfast since Natalie had woken up.

She keeps insisting for us to complete the mating process, but I really try to avoid it even though she keeps wearing tempting clothes only I don't get aroused.

People are more scared of her than I have ever seen before. Five months ago things were good now people have become distant. Pack members avoid coming to the pack house whenever she is around and it's getting annoying.

My parents think something is up but of course when they are asked, they don't say anything.

For the past couple of weeks she has been in this peaceful bubble of happiness, always smiling and acging cheerful. I had asked my parents if I should tell Natalie about the crowning ceremony.

They both refused and I know why she is acting so strangely. She even went ahead and tried to mend her relationship Leila which didn't work. It actually backfired and I had to separate both f them before they could shift.

I don't even know what to do anymore and I am the Alpha King,Riven is silent as usual. This is so fucking complicated.

I know something is definitely wrong somewhere but I can't seem to know what it is. Riven being silent is starting to scare me too. Most decisions I have to decide without the help of my wolf which I have never done before.

I ran my hand through my dark locks, rubbing my face in frustration. What the hell is really going on?

Things are terribly wrong in this pack. I hope as time goes by things get better,but I have this feeling in my gut it's only the beginning of everything going south.


The week went by so quickly that I barely made any changes or even any progress in finding out what was wrong. Natalie is becoming queen soon. Three days from now and my pack has become worse. I don't fucking know hat to do.

I always had everything under control yet everything seems to be spiraling out of control.

People are scared,there is alot of tension in the air. Most pack members can't stay in the same room as her. Fear radiates through each one of them and I'm more confused at this.

I know everyone knows something is going to happen but the question is what? My mom has gone shopping with her bought her the perfect dress for the day, yet I myself i'm not looking forward for the day.

I know that there is no way Natalie is not my mate, that's impossible. She can't not be my mate. My parents are actually fearing that fateful day which is three days from now.

My sister avoids her like a plague but Natalie doesn't mind.

Something that I have also realized is some of the pack members and warriors are starting to rebel,yeah I can see the little signs of defiance.

The look in their eyes and the glares they send my way and soon I'm gonna deal with them.

I cannot be disrespected,even if my wolf isn't speaking to me,he doesn't condone disrespect. I am the Alpha King, and I have the title for a fucking reason. I hate disrespect.

With a slight disrespect, a pack gets out of control, losing its order and peace. It's only through a pack's respect for their alpha that the pack will prosper.

I am starting to question everything around me. This mate thing is making me more confused. I sigh. Why can't life just be so simple and easy?

I should love her, I know I should,but to be honest I am only attracted to her and not in a strong way, I know I should be in love with her if not in love then something close to that,for five fucking months,five! Yet no feelings at all.

I know this is weird but I'm kind of jealous of other wolves ,they get to live with each other,mark each other,and mate whichever time they want.

I have to wait for half an year, six fucking months to do that. I head to the training ground to clear my brain because everything around me is getting alot confusing.

I walk towards the training area staring at the poorly skilled warriors who would just end up hurting each other or themselves. I thank goddess for the distraction as I walk towards them for a more tiring training, after all I'm the Alpha King and I require strong warriors able to fight strong rogues since I'm always the main target.

After vigorous training which I admit kind of tired me out too, I head inside the pack house and take a quick shower and head to the ball room whose decoration was bring made.

Only a few more days for the day and I really pray to the moon goddess that our bond grows after her coronation, maybe this coronation will strengthen our bond after all we are both gonna rule the werewolf race.

I know they've all bought dressed and whatever girls need for that day.

I only hope things get better after her coronation because things lately have been getting out of hand but why do I have this nagging feeling that this is just the beginning of things getting more complicated?

Editing :)

Important A/N - There's this book I really like but the author kept saying "To unlock the next chapter 10 votes." That's just plain annoying. I can't keep reading a book that book because it's just annoying. What if they don't get the amount of votes they wanted? Would they never update? I would never do that in my books. EVER.
Sorry for the rant :)

Anywho till next time guys...





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